So what's so special about this second quest to save the world from a pig that had way too much stuffing? You still start next to that cave where the unarmed boy discovers the joy of bladed weapons...so stop reading and get in that cave already. |
Sword, a boy's best friend. Once that is done go to the first dungeon which is at the same location as last time, nothing too hard so far right? They're probably saving the best for later. |
Well, this is different, the left door is on the right now, how odd. Well, no use staying here pondering the views of the universe, exploration time! |
Boomerang monsters on your first room, certainly a bit more challenging and be wary for they have more range, but you had slain the almighty Ganon, what's a few Goriyas for you by now, right? |
The Boomerang is now yours, pretty early isn't it? Equip it because you will need it, stunning your foes is quite important when their threat ratio increases so get some practice tossin that thing again. |
Now for the room to the north, where more boomerang guys await. Let none survive...oh, it's not a grudge thing, honest, they hold a key and all. |
Be forewarned, these are no mere skeletons, they are now...*drumroll* SUPER SKELETONS! Well, okay, they're just tougher and throw swords at you, stun and kill, and remember: the goggles do nothing against swords. A compass is your reward. |
Next room of northern direction, blue Goriyas this time, a bomb is your reward for slaying them and bombs you shall need aplenty, for bombs make things go boom, which is good. |
Next room north holds...Slimes! Five rupee prize awaits he who slays puny monsters, says Zero. |
Whoah nelly, I think someone took a wrong turn and ended up in dungeon 1, what is that Dodongo doing here? Well, you picked up bombs earlier and by now you should know the drill on how to send em home crying, so feed him some hot explosive love and end his career of walking in pointless patterns. |
After Dodongo's shameful defeat, go left and then south, careful with the spikes, pick up the map and go back at the beginning of the dungeon. Whatdya expect? A triforce piece for all these efforts? Pah! You'll learn to know better in the 2nd quest. |
Now, back to the room to the right, provided you still got some bombs left blow up the northern wall and walk thru it. If you're short on explosives then exit and come back to make the monsters respawn to get more. |
Slay bats, push stone, enter stairs. Routine stuff really. |
Sunshine lollypops and rainbows...wait, no rainbows, but plenty of wallmasters if you stick on the sides. You need to kill them and the sun thingies do make things worse so be quick be nimble. |
Once those groping ghastly freaks are no more, you get a key. Pretty convenient huh? |
This can be easy or hard, but most likely painful. Four fireball tossing statues and two blue Goriyas can make your life a living nightmare, so avoid them entirely and... |
...blow up the wall to the north and enter it as fast as you can. |
This is one pony you DON'T want to ride, and seeing you're arrowless you can either stab him in the head six times or put two bombs at his feet, your choice of method not mine. |
Ah, a heart container, you most likely needed that so grab and go to the next room. |
And your first piece of the triforce awaits, congratulation, you passed the trainee dungeon for the 2nd quest but your princess is definitly in another castle. Buckle up because the next step is a doozy, we may yet make a hero out of you. |