Ok, here we are, our sword still shining, not covered in blood like our last one, new outfit, hey they even gave you a new poity hat :) It's time to start using our new treasures for some real action! Go to the screen you see here (it's north, 3 west, 3 north from the starting position on the map), touch the middle statue in the upper row, and voila, an entrance. |
Yes, believe it or not, we've just entered dungeon 2, but I'm sure there used to be a shop here... must have been another life ;) |
Ok, you don't have much choice, so walk north. You end up in the room with these walking pyjamas, now those look really scary :) Don't be fooled by their looks though, you better watch out not to be hit by them, they hurt pretty bad. |
Kill the pyjama dudes, and get a shiney new key. Move on to the north after taking it. |
What dangers will await us in this room, who will know... Oh, it's just a couple of goo piles. Kill them just for the fun of it and continue north. |
Some bats in this room, not even worth killing. Just take the key and continue north again. |
Ah, another bunch of those pyjamas, think they got any in your size? Well, if you like you can kill them, but you will not get anything special for it, so it's your choice. Continue to the north again. |
There we go again, another bunch of these flying buggers, but this time you will have to kill them, because the door to the north won't open before you do. |
But before you go north, bomb the east wall and walk trough, there might be something useful on the other side. |
Great, yet another key... like i don't have enough already :) Well... actually, you do, but it never hurts to have an extra one. Take the key, go back to the room to the west, and continue your journey north. |
Yikes! This is not just some small enemy here, it's the ex-boss of quest one's dungeon 3. You don't really have to kill it if you don't want to, but you will get a key for it if you do. Either way, go east when you're done in this room. |
Ah, red knights, they tend to give you great things if you kill them all. But don't bother in this room, because the only thing they will give you is dust and pain. Enter the room to the north dodging the knights. |
If you kill all the baddies in this room you will be awarded with the map of the dungeon. After you get it go south twice. |
If you didn't do so already when you got the key from this room, kill the bats. And now we're gonna do something cool, we're gonna imitate no-one less then David Copperfield, walk to the south wall and keep on walking, if you do it right, you'll walk straight trough the wall! Impressive! :) |
This walking trough the wall is a new feature in the second quest, we'll be doing that a lot more in the following dungeons. After you stoped shaking from what you just did, go down the stairs in the middle of the room. |
The magic whistle! Now this is a really useful item, especially in the second quest, but more about that in the next treasure gathering part of the walktrough. Get back up the stairs when you're done. |
Now let's do some wallwalking again, move to the middle of the west wall and walk straight trough it. Unlike the previous wall-walk, this one can't be done in the other direction. So remember that when you walk trough a wall it might not always be possible to go back. |
When you come popping out of the wall walk south and east. You now have arrived in a room with some mixed badguys. The bats and the pyjamas should be no problem at all. Look out of the bunnies though, they jump around a lot, which makes them hard to hit, and makes it easy for the bunny to hit you. You will receive another key for killing them. |
Walk into the room to the east, and watch out for the red knights you bump into. Unless you're all out of bombs i would advice not to kill them, but do whatever pleases you. When you're done go south. |
Another room with bats, these guys are easy... You will get another key for killing them. |
Before you leave the room walk to the right wall and place a bomb in the middle, then walk back real fast, before the spikey things hit you. Walk trough the secret passage you just opened. |
Didn't we see that door with the key-hole from the other side too? Yes we did, I guess we saved outself a key by blasting trough the wall. :) |
After you kill the red knights you will receive the compass for your trouble. Now let's get out of this room again, go east and south. |
Oh my god, not these really difficult goo piles again! ;) Ok, will them and get... yes, you guessed it... another key. |
Move on to the room to the south, and find yourself in the middle of an army of walking pyjamas. It might be a good idea to just dodge them and run toward the stairs, but if you feel lucky don't let me spoil your fun, you'll even be rewarded 5 rupies for your troubles. |
If you are in need of some more bombs, kill the knights in this room, if you don't feel like it, just walk trough the door to the north, you will be needing your health there. |
Whaaa!! It's a d...d...d...draaaagon!! This is most likely one of the toughest bosses in the game, well except for Ganon ofcourse. This dragon makes the one in the first dungeon look like a big lizard. Dodge the fireballs it shoots, stab one of the attached heads and move away again seems to be a good tactic. |
After killing the two-headed dragon you will be awarded with a brand new shiney heart container, like i said before, you can never get enough of those. :) |
Oh, I was so impressed by the new heart container that i almost forgot what i came for, in the room to the north the second piece of the triforce of wisdom is waiting for you. Go get it. :) |