Mix Legend
Potion = Potn Agility = Agil Ability = Abil Distiller = Distl
Sphere = S. Antidote = Antd Screen = Scrn Water = Wtr
Sleep = Slp Powder = Pwdr Silence = Sln Smoke = Smk
Silver = Slv Hourglass = Hrgls Petrify = Ptr Shadow = Shdw
Chocobo = Choc Curtain = Crtn Spring = Sprng Stamina = Stmn
Farplane = Frpln Grenade = Grnd Petrify = Prfy Poison = Psn
Elixir = Elix Power = Pwr Elementary = Elem Electric = Elec
Supreme = Suprm White = Wht Black = Blk Fragment = Frag
Lightning = Lit Turbo = Trb Arctic = Arc Antarctic = Anrc
Underdog's Secret = Undrdg Scrt Gambler's Spirit = Gmbl Sprt Shining Thorn= Shn ThornWinning Formula = Win Frml
Wings to Discovery = Wings Disc Door to Tomorrow = Door Tmrw Candle of Life = Cndl of Life