East Nota

     When you arrive, there really isn't too much to do in East Nota right now. However, you should at least use the Goddess Statue to heal up, and visit the house directly above the Chosen's Sanctuary to find that there is a chest here. It holds the Gauss's Necklace, not an overly important item, but fun to have anyway. Now explore the rest of the town to find a chest holding a Silver Light right outside the Armor Shop's entrance and a Herb in another chest in the North most part of town. Once you have found those, and you've upgraded your equipment, go ahead and try to cross Nota Bridge.

     When you get about halfway out onto the Bridge, the Destiny pulls up and Leo mocks you as his troops close in. After a brief scene, your party runs off the Bridge the way they came. About this time, Jean suggests you head for the Madoria Carnival, why not. Make sure you are healed up and leave East Nota and walk Northeast to the Madoria Plains to find the Carnival.

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