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Just north of you is an item shop and just over the bridge to the northwest is a equip shop. There is a pair of pants better than what you have, but it doesn't have First Strike. As for badges, nothing better than what you have, so there isn't much in the shop. Go east to the next screen and in the first building. Talk to the man behind the counter and hop up the steps. Examine the right machine and play. Be sure to read the rules and then work on beating the high score. Once you get it, Mario will get the special Invincishroom and eat it. The doctor is all out of the cure and if he doesn't get some within three days...MARIO WILL BECOME A BEAN!!!!! After Peach "talks" Luigi into going to the ruins to get the cure, you're in control BUT thanks to our doctor friend, Luigi is scared stiff. When Luigi is like this, you can do NOTHING. No jumps, no hands, only talking. Go south out of the room and then out to the outside. Keep going south until you land on a big purple thing with a house on it. Enter the house and talk to the man here. He will cure you of your fear by making you think you're Mario. Leave and go west and leave by taking the lift you took to get up here Go south and hop on the west lift and follow the path to the next screen. Ignore the path going off to the east and continue south. Follow the path, taking the south branch and then the one on the right. Follow it and exit to the west. Follow the path west to the next screen. Go north and grab the 1-Up Mushroom from the box and then head south to the next screen. Take the two Mushrooms and the Syrup and go west and up the stairs to the next screen. Go north and break the red statue. This will make some blue energy balls bounce in front of you. The first 4 are just blue so all you have to do is hammer them. After that, it will switch between red and blue at random times. If you hit it while it's red, you have to start over. Once you hit all the blue balls, a new statue with a switch will come up. Pound the switch and go north into the cave Go north, shock the two orbs and continue through. In the next room just go north and east into the opening. Climb up the steps and hit the ! block. Hop west over the blocks, but be quick because they will fall. Go through the door. Go east to the next screen, grab the Super Mushroom from the box, go back and through the north exit. Climb up the steps and jump from moving platform to moving platform to reach the other side and go through the door I'll try to make this as un-confusing as possible, so follow it to the letter if you need help. Hit the blue switch just north of the save album. Jump from the blue platform to the stone center to the green platform and then onto solid ground. Hit the green switch just above you and hop on the blue platform to the left, up to the stone and to the red platform. Hop up on the green platform, to the stone and then onto the red platform. Go north a smash the red switch here. Go back down to the first floor and hit the green switch on the right. Get to the second floor, use the red block to jump over the left. Hit the blue switch and jump up to the third floor and then finally to the fourth floor left side. Go north through the door. If this was confusing, please let me know and I can try and make a graphic or take some screenshots to help Follow the straight path until you come to a room with a big set of steps. Climb up and hit the ! block. You will find a big stone who asks you to dodge his fireballs for 30 seconds to free him. There are two things you need to avoid: getting hit by his fireballs and falling off your platform which happens when it runs into the stone man. Avoid the fireballs by jumping and jump back to a platform by pressing right and jump. Once you've done it, he'll open the path which you should take. Grab the Crabbie Grass and exit to the northeast. Follow the pipes and you'll end up back in Fungitown Head back to where you left Mario and you'll get stopped on the way by a loud crash. Luigi wakes up from his Mario trance and is filled in on what he was doing. When Luigi dashes off to Mario, but he's stopped again by another toad saying something about Peach, but before he can finish, you'll see a famillar balloon with Bowser inside! No! Not Bowser!!! BOWLETTA!!!!! Scary, huh? After Bowletta flys off, head to Mario and give him the Crabbie Grass. Luigi breaks down into tears while a toad tells Mario what happened... |