Potion Shops

You will need to acquire the Letter from an old man to show to the old lady before she wil start selling potions to you. She will sell a blue potion to you for 40 rupies and a red potion for 68 rupies. Click a Map Coordinate link to see a spoiler image of where a hidden potion shop location is. You can also see where the locations of the potion shops are on the Overworld Map page.

Overworld Map Coordinates: C-1
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then one screen left, then one screen up, then five screens left, and then one screen up.
Extra Info: You will need the step ladder to follow the given route above. You will also need bombs to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: D-4
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then two screens left, then one screen down, then one screen left, then one screen up, then two screens left, and then one screen down.
Extra Info: You will need the step ladder to follow the given route above. You will also need bombs to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: E-1
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then one screen left, then two screens up, and then three screens left.
Extra Info: You will need the step ladder to follow the given route above.

Overworld Map Coordinates: E-7
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up and then three screens left.
Extra Info: None

Overworld Map Coordinates: I-2
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then one screen left, then one screen up, and then one screen right.
Extra Info: You will need bombs and the step ladder to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: I-8
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right.
Extra Info: This is the best spot to buy potions since it is right next to the game start location. You will need a candle to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: J-3
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, and then one screen right.
Extra Info: You will need the Whistle to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: L-5
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel four screens right and then three screens up.
Extra Info: When going three screens up make sure to stay on the rightmost path going up. You will need a candle to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: N-1
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel four screens right, then five screens up, then two screens right, then one screen up on the dirt path (not the blue walkway), and then one screen up on this blue walkway.
Extra Info: When going five screens up make sure to stay on the rightmost path going up. You will need bombs to find the entrance.