Fairy Ponds

To see where the locations of the fairy ponds are, check out the Overworld Map.

1st Location Overworld Map Coordinates: D-5
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up, then four screens left, and then two screens up.

2nd Location Overworld Map Coordinates: J-4
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up, then two screens right, and then three screens up.

3rd Location Overworld Map Coordinates: L-1
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel four screens right, then five screens up staying on the rightmost pathway, then one screen right, then one screen up, then one screen left, and then go up four times here. After the fourth time you go up, you will hear a ring tune and proceed to the fairy pond.