Warp Halls

You will need to acquire the Power Bracelet before you can access the Warp Halls. Warp Hall entrances are revealed when you push aside a rock in specific locations in the Overworld. Click a Map Coordinate link to see a spoiler image of how to reveal a hidden warp hall location. To can also see where the warp halls are on the Overworld Map page.

Overworld Map Coordinates: D-3
Route from game start (Map, H-8): You will need the step ladder for this route. From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then two screens left, then one screen down, then one screen left, then one screen up, then two screens left, then one screen down, and finally one screen up the left blue walkway.
Warp Stair Goes To: 1st 2nd 3rd
J-5 J-8 N-2

Overworld Map Coordinates: J-5
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then two screens up, then one screen right, and then one screen up.
Warp Stair Goes To: 1st 2nd 3rd
J-8 N-2 D-3

Overworld Map Coordinates: J-8
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel two screens right.
Warp Stair Goes To: 1st 2nd 3rd
N-2 D-3 J-5

Overworld Map Coordinates: N-2
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel four screens right, then five screens up (stay on the rightmost pathway when going up), then two screens right, and then one screen up the blue walkway.
Warp Stair Goes To: 1st 2nd 3rd
D-3 J-5 J-8