One of the best things about DIABLO
is the almost never ending amount of equipment there is. With randomly
generated prefixes and suffixes, an item can hold limitless possibilities.
Then, there are "uniques".
Unique items are items that are designed with specific attributes, some
have attributes that you cannot find on any other item. There is a unique
of every type of item, including rings and amulets. Items are divided
up by class, i. e., uniques, normal/equipment class, and then alphabetically.
Unique Items

Aguinara's Hatchet
Spells are increased 1 level
Resist magic: 75% max
+10 magic
Dmg: 2-10
Dur: 24
Req: None Multiplayer: Yes

Baranar's Star
+12% to hit
+80% damage
Quick attack
+4 vitality
-4 dexterity
Altered durability
Dmg: 1-10
Dur: 60
Req: 26 str Multiplayer: Yes

Blackoak Shield
+10 dexterity
-10 vitality
Armor class: 18
-10% light radius
High durability
AC: 18
Dur: 60
Req: 25 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Black Razor
+150% damage
+2 vitality
Altered durability
Dmg: 1-4
Dur: 5
Req: None
Multiplayer: ???

The Bleeder
Resist magic: +20%
+30 mana
-10 hit points
Multiplayer: No

Adds 10 points to damage
+10 strength
-5 magic
-5 dexterity
+10 hit points
-10 mana
Dmg: 1-12
Dur: 36
Req: 35 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Bow of the Dead
+10% to hit
+4 dexterity
-3 vitlity
-20% light radius
Altered durability
Dmg: 3-6
Dur: 30
Req: 25 str, 40 dex
Multiplayer: No

Celestial Axe
No strength requirement
+15% to hit
+15 hit points
-15 strength
Dmg: 10-25
Dur: 60
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Celestial Star
No strength requirement
+20% light radius
+10 points to damage
Armor class: -8
AC: -8
Dmg: 2-12
Dur: 36
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Constricting Ring
Resist all: 75% max
Constantly lose hit points
Multiplayer: No

Cranium Basher
+20 points to damage
+15 strength
-150 mana
resist all: +5%
Dmg: 6-20
Req: 55 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Demonspike Coat
Armor Class: 100
-6 damage from enemies
+10 strength
Resist fire: +50%
AC: 100
Req: 90 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+25% to hit
+250% damage
-5 to all attributes
-25 hit points
-20% light radius
Dmg: 6-15
Dur: 60
Req: 50 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Dragon's Breach
Resist fire: +25%
+5 strength
Armor class: 20
-5 magic
AC: 20
Req: 50 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+30 magic
+50 mana
Resist magic: +50%
+20% light radius
Spells are increased 1 level
Dmg: 1-8
Dur: 32
Req: 16 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+20 dexterity
+50% to hit
+100% damage
Dmg: 1-10
Req: 30 str, 60 dex
Multiplayer: Yes

The Executioner's
+150% damage
-10 hit points
-10% light radius
High durability
Dmg: 4-8
Dur: 60
Req: 30 str
Multiplayer: Yes

The Falcon's Talon
Fastest attack
+20% to hit
-33% damage
+10 dexterity
Dmg: 3-7
Dur: 20
Req: 23 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Fire arrows damage: 1-6
Fire hit damage: 1-6
+20% to hit
Resist fire: +40%
Dmg: 2-5
Dur: 40
Req: 20 str, 35 dex
Multiplayer: Yes

+15 dexterity
+40% to hit
+80% damage
High durability
Dmg: 1-6
Dur: 36
Req: 25 str, 30 dex
Multiplayer: Yes

Fool's Crest
-4 to all attributes
+100 hit points
+2 damage from enemies
Attacker takes 1-3 damage
AC: 4 to 5
Dur: 30
Req: 25 str
Multiplayer: Yes

The Gladiator's Bane
Armor class: 25
-2 damage from enemies
High durability
-3 to all attributes
AC: 25
Dur: 135
Req: 20 str
Multiplayer: Yes
Gnarled Root
+300% damage
+5 magic
+10 dexterity
-10 armor class
+30% to hit
Normal Club
Dmg: 1-6
Dur: 20
Req: None
Spiked Club
Dmg: 3-6
Dur: 20
Req: 18 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+20 to all atributes
Armor class: 60
-4 damage from enemies
All resistance equals 0
-40% light radius
AC: 60
Dur: 60
Req: 50 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+25 mana
-3 strength
-3 vitality
76 phasing charges
Dmg: 2-4
Dur: 25
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

The Grandfather
One-handed sword
+5 to all attributes
+20% to hit
+70% damage
+20 hit points
Dmg: 10-20
Dur: 100
Req: 75 str
Multiplayer: Yes

The Grizzly
+20 strength
-5 vitality
+200% damage
Knocks target back
High durability
Dmg: 8-16
Dur: 150
Req: 65 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+8 strength
+8 vitality
+100% damage
+25 hit points
-25 mana
Dmg: 10-25
Dur: 60
Req: 65 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Holy Defender
Armor class: 15
-2 damage from enemies
Resist fire: +20%
High durability
Fast block
AC: 15
Dur: 96
Req: 40 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Ice Shank
Resist fire: +40%
Altered durability
+5 strength
Dmg: 2-10
Dur: 15
Req: 30 str, 30 dex
Multiplayer: Yes

Fire hit damage: 2-12
+20 mana
+30% light radius
Resist fire: 75% max
Dmg: 2-10
Dur: 40
Req: 30 str, 30 dex
Multiplayer: Yes

Leather of Aut
Armor Class: 15
+5 strength
-5 magic
+5 dexterity
AC: 15
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

+20% light radius
Lightning hit damage: 1-10
+20% to hit
Resist lightning: +50%
Dmg: 1-8
Dur: 45
Req: 17 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Messerschmidt's Reaver
+200% damage
Adds 15 points to damage
+5 to all attributes
-50 hit points
Fire hit damage: 2-12
Dmg: 12-30
Dur: 75
Req: 80 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+15 magic
69 Guardian charges
Resist all: +15%
Spells are increased 1 level
Dmg: 6-12
Dur: 55
Req: 20 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Naj's Light Plate
No strength requirement
+5 magic
+20 mana
Resist all: +20%
Spells are increased 1 level
AC: 44 to 47
Dur: 75
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Naj's Puzzler
+20 magic
+10 dexterity
57 teleport charges
-25 hit points
Resist all: +20%
Dmg: 4-8
Dur: 35
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

The Needler
+50% to hit
Unusual item damage
Fast attack
Dmg: 1-3
Dur: 30
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Overlord's Helm
+20 strength
+15 dexterity
+5 vitality
-20 magic
Altered durability
AC: 6
Dur: 15
Req: 25 str
Multiplayer: ???

The Protector
+5 vitality
-5 damage from enemies
Armor class: 40
86 healing charges
Attacker takes 1-3 damage
AC: 40
Dmg: 2-4
Dur: 25
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

The Rainbow Cloak
+1 to all attributes
+5 hit points
Resist all: +10%
High Durabliity
Armor class:10
AC: 10
Dur: 17
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Ring of Engagement
-1 or -2 damage from enemies
Attacker takes 1-3 damage
Armor class: 5
Damages target's armor
AC: 5
Multiplayer: Yes

Rod of Onan
50 golem charges
+100% damage
+5 to all attributes
Dmg: 8-16
Dur: 75
Req: 30 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Royal Circlet
+10 to all attributes
+40 mana
Armor class: 40
+10% light radiuus
AC: 40
Dur: 40
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Scanvenger's Carapace
-15 damage from enemies
Armor class: -6 to -9
+5 dexterity
Resist lightning: +40%
AC: -6 to -9
Dur: 80
Req: 40 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Schaefer's Hammer
-100% damage
Lightning hit damage: 1-50
+50 hit points
+30% to hit
Resist lightning: 75% max
+10% light radius
Dmg: 5-9
Dur: 50
Req: 40 str
Multiplayer: Yes

-20% light radius
Hit steals 5% life
+15% to hit
Resist all: +5%
Dmg: 4-12
Dur: 50
Req: 40 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Sparking Mail
Armor class: 30
Lighting hit damage: 1-10
AC: 30 to 32
Dur: 55
Req: 30 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Split Skull Shield
Armor class: 10
+10 hit points
+2 strength
-10% light radius
Altered durability
AC: 10
Dur: 15
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

+30 hit points
+20% to hit
+50% damage
Resist lightning: +40%
Dmg: 8-20
Dur: 50
Req: 50 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Armor class: 40
+4 damage from enemies
+10 strength
Fast block
AC: 40
Req: 80 str
Multiplayer: Yes (Note: Stormshield can also appear as a tower shield.)

Storm Spire
Resist lightning: +50%
Lightning hit damage: 2-8
+10 strength
-10 magic
Dmg: 8-16
Dur: 75
Req: 30 str
Multiplayer: Yes

Thinking Cap
+30 mana
Spells are increased 2 levels
Resist all: +20%
Altered Durability
AC: 2 to 4
Dur: 1
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Torn Flesh of Souls
Armor class: 8
+10 vitality
-1 damage from enemies
AC: 8
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

+35% chance to hit
Lightning hit damage: 1-10
76 lightning charges
+20% light radius
Resist lightning: +30%
Dmg: 5-10
Dur: 45
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

Wicked Axe
+30% to hit
+10 dexterity
-10 vitality
-2 damage from enemies
Dmg: 6-16
Req: 30 str
Multiplayer: Yes

+5 strength
+200% damage
Knocks target back
Dmg: 1-14
Dur: 60
Req: 45 str, 80 dex
Multiplayer: Yes

Wisdom's Wrap
+5 magic
+10 mana
Resist lightning: +25%
Armor class: 15
-1 damage from enemies
AC: 10
Dur: 24
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes

+15 magic
+35 mana
+25% to hit
Resist all: +15%
Dmg: 1-4
Dur: 16
Req: None
Multiplayer: Yes