More Completed
1.17.2005 Update by Infonick
I have started to work on the Parties section. I'll add more combinations as I think of them or feel like talking about them, but it will suffice for now. I have also completed several sections of the Walkthrough so check it out. The Items page is mostly done, but I still need to tweak the descriptions. I used Mr. Saturn's page for the actual items, but updated some of the stuff and will continue to do so as I see fit. However, the page is done none the less. The Pachisi section will come last as I feel it isn't too important and it will give me time to test all of the aspects of it without messing up my normal progress. The Weapons and Armor sections are the next sections on my agenda to complete and I will keep pecking away at the Walkthrough.
Done with Another!
1.15.2005 Update by Infonick
The Magic section didn't
take nearly as long as I thought it would, and it is done now, I still
might tweak with it though. I'm gonna start working on the walkthrough,
but that won't be finished until the end of the shrine. I'll also start
working on the Parties page to give you an
idea of some good parties to use. I'll also be working on the Items section at the same time, but that
probably won't be done until the walkthough is done.
Already Done with a
1.15.2005 Update by Infonick
The Character Classes
page is all done an uploaded. The next section that I'll work on will
be the Magic section. I hope to have it done
by the end of the week, but I'm not making any promises.
Starting to
1.14.2005 Update by Infonick
I'm just starting to upload the pages so all of the
links are broken right now, but will be fixed as the shrine progresses.
The first page I'll be working on is the Character
Classes page, so hopefully it'll be up by Saturday.
and Maintained by:
Warrior 3 © 1990,
1991, 2001
