
Item Name Item Description
Buckler A small shield.
Bronze Shield Small shield made of bronze.
Mythril Shield Shield made of mythril.
Golden Shield Golden shield resistant to poison.
Ice Shield Icy shield resistant to fire.
Flame Shield Fiery shield resistant to ice.
Diamond Shield Diamond shield resistant to lightning.
Dragon Shield Dragon shield resistant to elemental attacks.
Aegis Shield Legendary shield that affords protection against special attacks.
Leather Cap A cap made of leather.
Bronze Helm A helm made of bronze.
Mythril Helm A helm made of mythril.
Giant's Helm A helm containing the power of giants.
Flame Helm A fiery helm resistant to ice.
Diamond Helm A diamond helm resistant to lightning.
Genji Helm A helm boasting the finest defense.
Twist Headband A twisted headband that focuses the mind.
Gold Hairpin A golden hairpin resistant to lightning.
Ribbon A ribbon affording protection against all manner of special attacks.
Clothes Ordinary clothing.
Leather Armor Armor made of hardened leather.
Bronze Armor Armor made of bronze.
Mythril Armor Armor made of mythril.
Golden Armor Golden armor resistant to poison.
Knight's Armor Armor given only to knights.
Flame Armor Armor dancing with flame.
Ice Armor Armor encrusted in ice.
Diamond Armor Diamond armor resistant to lightning.
Dragon Armor Dragon armor resistant to elemental attacks.
Genji Armor Armor boasting the finest defense.
Copper Cuirass A breastplate made of copper.

Wednesday December 15, 2004 01:23:32 -0800