Magic | Magic Description |
Fire | Deals fire damage. |
Thunder | Deals lightning damage. |
Blizzard | Deals ice damage. |
Scourge | Deals poison damage. |
Drain | Absorbs HP from target. |
Osmose | Absorbs MP from target. |
Flare | Sets off a fusion reaction. |
Sleep | Puts target to sleep. |
Stun | Paralyzes target. |
Stop | Disrupts target's sense of time, paralyzing it. |
Confuse | Confuses target. |
Blind | Blinds target with darkness. |
Curse | Curses target. |
Toad | Transforms target into a toad. |
Break | Petrifies target. |
Death | Kills target instantly. |
Warp | Banishes target to another dimension or transports party to previous floor. |
Berserk | Temporarily raises attack. |
Haste | Temporarily increases target's number of attacks. |
Aura | Enhances effectiveness against various foes. |
Cure | Restores HP. |
Life | Revives a KO'd ally. |
Basuna | Cures status ailments that wear off after battle. |
Esuna | Cures status ailments. |
Barrier | Raises a barrier to defend against special attacks. |
Blink | Creates a double image, raising evasion. |
Protect | Creates a magic curtain, raising defense. |
Shell | Envelops target in magic, raising magic defense. |
Wall | Forms a magic wall, raising magic defense. |
Dispel | Removes protective magic barriers. |
Mini | Shrinks target. |
Silence | Silences target. |
Sap | Reduces target's MP. |
Fog | Inflicts amnesia on target. |
Slow | Temporarily reduces target's number of attacks. |
Swap | Switches HP and MP with target. |
Fear | Drives target away in terror. |
Holy | Deals holy damage. |
Teleport | Banishes target to another dimension or transports party out of dungeons. |
Ultima | The ultimate magic, sealed away by the ancients. |