Gaza Valley to ?????
- The first jump in Gaza Valley is very difficult; it seems the way to do it is by jumping and floating for a bit, then dropping down a small amount and floating again (do this a few times over the span of the lava)
- Don't worry about the Ball Dropper (getting hit won't really matter)
- Make your way East through the rest of the valley, picking up the vial X 3 along the way. Beware of the thin platforms that fall down
- In Sittem Desert, enter the building to the East
- In the Desert palace head down and to the right, watching out for the Bird Shooters
- About halfway down you will come to this spot:

- At this point, you can either break the rocks and head East, or stay on the southward path. I prefer to continue South because it is easier. This upper path, if you choose to take it, does, however, contain a Heart and a 1-Up hidden in a large sand pit
- Continuing down, collect the vial X 3 and fall to the left side onto a safe ledge
- Jump across the spike pit, kill the Vampire Bat and jump across a chasm
- Beware of the floating sand; it will push you down and back
- Continue East, killing the Vampire Bats carefully; watch out for a possible Genie from the blue pot, they take 4 hits to kill
- You will reach this point regardless of the path you took; it is their junction:

- Continue East until you reach a wall, get the vial X 3 in the top right corner, then continue down
- Head East and you will eventually have to destroy another rock wall with your Buster
- Beware of one final Genie and enter the door to fight the boss, Sand Frog
- Sand Frog is fairly tough. I find that staying on or below the left platform can be useful. Beware of his 4 rocks that attach to you, temporarily but severely slowing you down. Also try jumping back and forth between the 2 platforms so that he doesn't do his torpedo attack on you; get hits on him cautiously when they are open. Be very sure he doesn't trap you against a wall. About 16-17 Buster shots should kill him
- Leave room and obtain the Gremlin Stick and Magic Tornado
- Return to Gaza Valley and select Tornado Magic; Tornado is necessary to cross back over the valley. Tornado alloys you to create platforms to cross over the lava with, making the valley a cinch to cross
- Now return all the way to Gibea and use the Gremlin Stick on King Barr
- King Barr will increase your Jump Level and break the Red Rock barrier to West of Gibea
Onward to the next section, ??????? to ???????