The start of everything
When you start a new game you'll be given the possibility of name the
character, which is Gunp by default. After you select a name the intro will start,
giving you the start of the story. I'll try to keep the walkthrough clear of spoilers,
so don't hesitate to read every dialog, which in fact are very funny. |
After the intro ends you'll gain the control of Gunp, and you'll be
placed in the town, you can look for a map here. You must
head to your house, so you can see a cutscene and you are able to leave the town from
the right exit, but before leaving go to the Saloon and talk with the man there, you'll
learn Charge Shot. You can't buy anything at the moment, but talk with everyone so you
don't miss a thing. |
Once you are out of the town talk with Garo in the spaceship, you'll
learn that the first dungeon is on the southeast part. In the first screen there is
a chest on the northeast part, to get it go through a couple of trees once you cross
the bridge. In the second part there is another chest that you can get on the left
plateau. Coninue through the northeast exit and you'll reach the first dungeon. |
Item Checklist
Skill Checklist
The 1st Dungeon!
First let me tell you that you can get a map of the dungeon
here, I'll only point the best and fastest path, only taking the important items. It's up to
you to choose if you want to get every treasure. Both in the map and the Item and Dungeon Treasure
checklist you'll see where to find everything. |
Head straight up, and enter the middle door, go right, and beat every monster in
this new room in order to continue, and take the north door. Continue through the path, and evade
the shoots of the faces on the wall by ducking, and enter the first door. Head right until you
find the stairs to the next floor, once there don't go downstairs, you'll be able to take a chest
with a Starmine Bomb, and from here just jump down to the lower part, follow through the path, and
run by the lava monsters on the next path, you'll stay in front of the Boss room, where you have
to kill every enemy to fight him. |
BOSS: Your first boss, Miracle 5! He is divided on 5 different parts, it's
very easy. When he appears he walks around the room for a brief momment, afterwards he disappears
and reappears on pieces, which simply advance in a row, so just stay between two of them when they
move. After this he continues wiggling and after while he divides in pices again, this time the
pieces at the sides will bounce diagonally, so stay at the corners to evade them. When you kill
every part Miracle 5 will sprout legs, 6 more shots and it's defeated. |
A Zeal Coin will appear, so take it, and open the new chest, you'll get your first
Demiseed Crest inside!. Open the red chest, and you'll find the space Sheriff Mono, which is
inside a donkey named Robaton, he'll join you, and from on you'll be able to call him for some
help, to do so you'll need to get Carrots randomly dropped from enemies. |
Item Checklist
Dungeon Treasure Checklist (Optional)
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