Ghost Manor
When you enter the Ghost Manor, you're destination is in the Northwest corner of the Manor. However, the Manor is setup like a maze. To successfully navigate the manor AND get all the treasure, read on.
From the entrance, walk all
the way to the right. This will gain you a Holy Water. Now, walk back
and take the North path, just above the entrance. This leads to a chest
holding an Angel's Tear. Now, walk back to the entrance, and now head
all the way to the left and then turn North. You will find 302 S in the
chest here.
After collecting the 302 S, walk back, take
your first right, and then the first North hallway. This will lead you
to a chest that holds a Star Light. Keep walking right from this point
until the path runs North and South. Head North and just after the path
turns East, you'll have the choice to go North or continue East. If you
go east, You can grab an Herb from a chest. Take the North path and this
will lead you to a chest holding another Star Light. Once you get the
Star Light, heal up and save your game, and change your battle order so
that Jean is on the far left in the middle and everyone else is evenly
lined up on the far right from top to bottom before taking the North path
into the red-carpeted room.
--------------------------------BOSS FIGHT: MAGIC TESTER LX1--------------------------------
Tester LX1
![]() |
Hit Points
# of Attacks
Mag End
Exp Points
Magic Tester LX1
has 3 forms and has 4 attacks. The Bubble Spit Attack can be used in subsequent
forms, so keep that in mind. The first form (pictured at the left) has
1100 HP, the 2nd form has 900 HP and the 3rd has 700. The 1st
form only has 2 attacks. The
first attack is
Bubble Spit. It uses this on 1 ally doing small damage but
possibly putting the victim to sleep. Expect this when it's mouth is opening
and closing through out all 3 forms. Attack #2,
can be identified when the windup key on it's back is spinning. It's about
to use a Physical Attack hitting
1 character with it's drum, causing serious damage. The 2nd
form yields Attack #3. Attack
#3 is a head splitting Jump Attack
against 1 character for serious damage and anyone in range of the shock
blast for moderate damage. Expect this when it's NOT moving at all. Form
3 yields Attack #4, Echo
Wave . This seems to cause Straight Line damage, but normally
everyone WILL get hit for serious damage.
The Magic Tester can be a tough fight, but
you really shouldn't have any troubles. Here's what to do: Hiro
should use Boomerang every round.
Ronfar should cast Saint
Litany on Jean, and then heal
everyone up there after if needed, otherwise, use
Anger Dice. Jean should use
Moth Dance. Lucia,
don't really count on her for anything unless she gets hit by the Magic
Tester. In which case, she'll unleash Plasma Rain causing decent damage.
Once you lay waste to the
Magic Tester, you'll find that the Hooded Lady is actually Lemina Ausa,
Junior Premier of the Vane Magic Guild. And while she's mega annoyed
(:P) about you trashing her robot, she's happy to see that SOMEONE passed
her test, and hence she joins your party since Vane is on the way. Kewl.
Exit the Manor from the North side of
the room and walk West to the Cliff. Lemina yanks out a magic carpet,
but unfortunately her concentration gets ruined and after a rather nasty
fall, you're at the bottom of the cliff. Heal up at the Statue and walk
West to Bandit Butte.