Walkthrough Part 12 – Kaiser Road to Bio Base
Now that you have all three data disks, bring them to Chairman Toge. He awards you the title of Gaian Soldier (complete with GaiaCard) and hands the disks to a cryptologist to carry off and study. He returns in short order—between the three disks, they've managed to decrypt some Bio Corps security codes, which he returns to you on the BioDisk. Remember those locked doors? They won't be locked for long.
Make for CornBase—Door Lock System Center 810 is nearby. Kaiser Road awaits.
Kaiser Road
Items Checklist
- RobotParts
- Mori.Capsule
- BPCharge3K
- Calorie5K
- BPCharge3K
Kaiser Road is the network of tunnels connecting all the major parts of Bio Paradise. You've seen two of its endpoints already in Purplin Town and the Mutant Research Center. If you need shortcuts back there...well, I'm not sure this is shorter, but it is an alternative.
In the second room, you'll find a Mori.Capsule—this key item will let Dr. Morita make ultimate equipment for every human and cyborg member of your party. I would suggest backing out now and getting it for everybody, it helps a lot. Just change party leader to get gear for that person. (Careful not to mix up whose gear is whose, though: mismatched pieces have zero effect when equipped.)
At the crossroads in the middle of Kaiser Road, you'll encounter General Dan. He won't fight you, but he will rant for a minute, and tell you he's locked the door to the Bio Palace so you can't just waltz directly in there. It'll have to be the canals, then.
Keep heading west, up and out the far end of Kaiser Road, and to the Bio Base by the canal.
Bio Base
Items Checklist
- MatsuCapsule
- Calorie5K
This small outpost houses the controls for the canals. As you enter the room with the control panels, though, you're assaulted by the fierce Ash. He's certainly tougher than a regular enemy, but he's no Ledesma. Same boss strategy as always.
Once you defeat Ash, Gene will learn a new Super, Spark. Hit the control panel to drain the canals, and start walking north. If you want to save and rest, you can detour to Kazu's Lookout here and hit the cheap and convenient Central Processing terminal at the port.
Enemies encountered in this part:

RestoreKit (heal)

Tunnels near Bio Stronghold

Targets BTank (drain ½ BP)
RestoreKit (heal)
Bio Base
Tunnels near Bio Stronghold

PowerKit (ATK up)
Bio Base
Tunnels near Bio Stronghold
Bio Stronghold

Targets chest (drain ½ HP)
Analyze (wait a turn)
Resists Specials
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