Magic Spells

Every single character in Skies of Arcadia has the ability to cast every spell. For them to learn spells, it depends upon which color attribute their weapon has and the amount of Magic Experience given by defeating different enemies. Whatever color(s) you finish the battle with also determine where the Magic Experience goes. Characters earn double the amount of Magic Experience for the color they have equipped and equal amounts of the color(s) that the other characters have equipped. All Magic Spells require 1 MP to cast in and out of battles and different amounts of SP in battles. The only Magic Spells you'll cast outside of battles are the Sacri group, and that is only because all status ailments are cured once the battle ends. I'm not listing the Spells in the order you gain them, but the order in which they are presented in the Magic Menu.


Name of Spell SP Required Description
Sacri 2 Restores 500 HP to one ally.
Sacres 4 Restores 1000 HP to one ally.
Sacrum 8 Restores 1000 HP to all allies.
Sacrulen 6 One ally regains all HP.
Noxi 3 Damages and possibly poisons one enemy.
Noxus 6 Damages and possibly poisons all enemies.


Name of Spell SP Required Description
Pyri 2 Damages all enemies with a small burst of flames.
Pyres 4 Damages all enemies with an explosion.
Pyrum 6 Damages all enemies with fireballs.
Pyrulen 10 Engulfs all enemies in a firestorm.
Increm 4 Increases the attack and defense of one ally by about 25%.
Incremus 16 Increases the attack and defense of all allies by about 25%.


Name of Spell SP Required Description
Crystali 1 Encases one enemy in ice.
Crystales 2 An icicle impales one enemy.
Crystalum 3 Traps one enemy in a column of ice.
Crystalen 4 Pillars of ice come from the sky and impale one enemy.
Sylenis 2 Prevents one enemy from casting Magic.
Panika 3 Confuses one enemy.


Name of Spell SP Required Description
Wevli 2 A whilrwind of air and water damages one enemy and the enemies surrounding him.
Wevles 4 A large tornado damages a cluster of enemies.
Wevlum 6 Fierce wind and stinging rain damages a cluster of enemies.
Wevlen 8 A cluster of tornados damages a large area of enemies.
Quika 6 Doubles the speed of all allies.
Slipara 6 Possibly puts all enemies to sleep.


Name of Spell SP Required Description
Electri 2 A small bolt of electricity damages one enemy and any others in a straight line towards that enemy.
Electres 4 A lightning bolt damages a line of enemies.
Electrum 6 A massive bolt of electricity damages all enemies in a line.
Electulen 8 A gigantic lightning bolt damages all enemies that are in a line.
Driln 3 Lowers one enemy's attack and defense by about 25%.
Drilnos 6 Lowers all enemies' attack and defense by about 25%.


Name of Spell SP Required Description
Curia 2 Cures one ally of all status ailments except for unconsciousness.
Risan 4 Has a 50% chance to revive an ally with 50% of their HP.
Riselem 8 Revives one ally with full HP.
Eterni 5 Has a chance to instantly kill one enemy.
Eternes 10 Has a chance to instantly kill all enemies.
Eturnum 15 Instanly kills one enemy. Damages enemies immune to instant death.


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