Door Repairs

There are various spots in Hyrule where you can lose 20 rupies to fix an old man's cavern door. These spots should most likely be avoided unless you want to lose rupies. Click a Map Coordinate link to see a spoiler image of where a hidden location is. You can also see where the locations are on the Overworld Map page.

Overworld Map Coordinates: B-1
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then one screen left, then one screen up, then four screens left, then one screen up, and then two screens left.
Extra Info: You will need the step ladder to follow the given route listed above. You will also need bombs to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: D-1
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then one screen left, then one screen up, then four screens left, and then one screen up.
Extra Info: You will need the step ladder to follow the given route listed above. You will also need bombs to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: D-7
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up and then four screens left.
Extra Info: You will need a candle to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: E-2
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then one screen left, then one screen up, and then three screens left.
Extra Info: You will need the step ladder to follow the given route listed above. You will also need bombs to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: H-1
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then one screen left, then one screen up, and then cross over the water and go one screen up.
Extra Info: You will need the step ladder to follow the given route listed above. You will also need bombs to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: I-7
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up and then one screen right.
Extra Info: You will need a candle to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: K-7
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up and then three screens right.
Extra Info: You will need a candle to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: N-8
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel six screens right.
Extra Info: You will need bombs to find the entrance.

Overworld Map Coordinates: O-2
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen right, then five screens up, then five screens right, then one screen up on the dirt pathway, and then one screen right.
Extra Info: You will need bombs to find the entrance.