So you think you're quite the Link after slaying that bloodthirsty dragon in the first dungeon, right? Wrong! As easy as this first dungeon might have looked i really don't advise you to go to the second dungeon before at least getting the blue ring or the white sword, both of which and a bit more, will be discribed here. |
First thing to do is to buy yourself a blue candle, it's very time-consuming to make 250 rupies without one. You can buy it in one of the many stores, for example the store one north and one west of the starting position. |
Then it's time for getting some money. Most of the old secret money places remained the same, except (ofcourse) the 100 rupy spots. But not to worry, in this location there is a new secret burnable bush witch will give you 100 shiney ones (1 north, 4 west, 1 north from start location). |
After grabbing those 100 rupies go west twice, take the 10 rupies for burning the lower right bush from the ones standing in the middle and go south into this maze. To get trough the maze go north, west, south, west. |
After stomping your way trough that difficult way go up until you reach this screen, you better avoid the sword-shooting doglike creatures or whatever they are, because they will hurt you bad. |
Now we're gonna do something really disgusting... We're gonna push the second tombstone in the second row. Yukk! Look at all the bones and stuff... Anyway, if you have the guts, enter the grave. |
Wow! This was definately worth walkink over a couple of bones for. Look at the shiney heart container this guy has to offer you! :) Advice for these rooms: never ever take the red potion, you can buy them for a couple of rupies and you can never get the heart container again. |
Leave the grave, and go east, south, east, north. You should be where dungeon six used to be in the first quest. |
Did he say used to be?? Indeed I did. Dungeon 1 is the only dungeon that remained in the same spot, so without this walktrough you would have to bomb every wall, burn every bush, push every rock and touch every statue on the entire map again. Thank god for walktroughs :) Anyway, there's 30 rupuies in the cave now, go get them! |
After taking the cash walk back out and go south, east, north (second staircase) and east. In this screen touch the right-most statue in the upper row and a bracelet will apear. |
Take the bracelet and head back west, south and then north again climbing the other stairs. Push the left-most rock and a passage should pop open in the middle of the stones. Hmmm... maybe you should enter it :) |
That strange old man again... and three sets of stairs... Which one to pick... choices choices... In this case, we take the right-most stairs. |
Wow! You have been magically transported to a different place on the overworld map, ok, this is not all that impressive if you already played the first quest, but it's still cool! :) |
Go south once and bomb the wall here, you will be rewarded some more cash. Hope you're getting close to 250 rupies, cause we will need them soon. One south of here is another 30 rupies if you touch the right statue. |
If you don't have 250 coins yet, go back to the startposition on the overworld map (you can use the underground passage again), from there go west once and north twice. In that room burn a bush, on room north burn another bush and two more north burn yet another buch, each will give you 30 rupies, which should fill your supply to 250 easily :) After you get the rupies return to the precious location and go north once and east twice. You should in the room on the screenshot now. |
In the previous quest there was a casino here, right?... Well... it still is :P But when you walk to the top of the screen, you can walk straight trough the wall a little right from the big tree. |
Hey, wasn't this the spot where i got 100 shiny thingies?... Yes it was... but in this quest it's become a shop. Enter the cave and you will find yourself in probably the most important shop in the game, the one where you can buy the blue ring! |
Take this wonderfull artifact, and feel the power surge trough your body. You are now (almost) invincible :) |
Ok, time for a little excersize... Walk out of the cave, go south to the casino, go west twice, go south and then north using the stairs, go west three times and you should be at a waterfall. Finally, climb the long stairs to the north. |
Enter the cave and grab the almighty white sword! Now you are truly ready for the second dungeon, with all it's secrets and foul beings. |