Link is now deep within Dragon Roost Cavern. During this leg of his quest through the cavern, he will rescue Medli and discover the disturbance that has angered the sky spirit Valoo.
You'll be in a cave with a stack of blocks against the wall. There is a high hole in the wall that leads to the next room, but you'll need to utilize the blocks to get up there. To do so, first, bull back the center block all the way, until the center stack falls down. Then, climb up onto the block you just pulled, and then pull back the second center block from the bottom out as far as you can. This will create a series of block steps you can use to climb out of the room. |
Rats are running around in this room, and as you may be told by the King of Red Lions through the Pirate's Charm, it might save you a lot of time to shut the little bastards up with some good ol' All-Purpose Bait. Spread some next to the mousehole. The Rats here offer Red Potion and Blue Potion, but neither are worth the cost the rat charges. |
There is another block set into the wall of this room. Pull it out, then use it to get to the upper ledge. The chest up here contains the dungeon's Compass. |
There should be a pot full of Boko Sticks on the ledge. Smash it, then grab one of the sticks. Light it with the nearby torch, then stand directly across from the opposite wall. There is a wooden barricade at the top of a ladder. To get rid of it, throw the flaming stick at it. |
The chest at the top of the ladder contains the third Small Key. Use it to unlock the door on the ledge where you threw the Boko Stick from. |
Once again, you'll come out on some high cliffs. However, there is a staircase for you to climb up to the next cliff. However, be aware that there are small gaps in the stairs, so you'll have to hop over those. At the top, take out the Kargaroc that has nested here and grab a Golden Feather if it leaves one behind. |
There is a Small Key in the center of the Kargaroc's nest. This is the last one of the dungeon. Use it to get through the door opposite of the nest. |
You'll come out into an extremely dark cavern. Pick up a nearby Boko Stick, then light it with a nearby torch. Then take the tunnel southeast. |
When you enter the east cavern, you'll be ambushed by a buttload of Keese. However, you can take them out using a Boko Stick or even your sword. In any case, make sure you light the torch in the center of the room before doing anything else. |
There's a chest in the eastern alcove of this room. It contains another Joy Pendant. |
With a flaming Boko Stick, run to the southwest cavern and light all the torches in the room. This will unbar the exit door, but don't leave just yet. |
Move the Tingle Tuner cursor around the western end of the east cavern. Tingle will find something interesting in the air. Examine it to reveal another Fairy. |
Now, exit through the southwest cavern. You'll come out in another lava-filled cavern. Before doing anything, use a Bomb Flower to destroy the boulder blocking the blue Warp Pot. |
Now, start across the bridge. There will be a spot on the far ledge that Tingle will seem interested in. If you bomb it, you'll reveal a chest with a Yellow Rupee inside. It's the treasure the messages Tingle's found all throughout the cavern have been referring to. This may seem pointless, since you just spent the same amount on the Tingle Bomb, but just grin and bear it. Go through the next door. |
A Bokoblin will be patrolling this room, so take it out. Once it's done for, it's time to find the two other Bokoblins in this room. One is inside a pot on the eastern side of the room, on the wooden ledge. The third Bokoblin is inside another pot on top of the shelf close to where you found the second Bokoblin. Defeating them all will unbar the entrance and exit to the room. |
Use one of the Boko Sticks the Bokoblins dropped to transfer a flame from the lit torch on the western side of the room to the unlit torch. This will reveal a chest. |
The chest contains Treasure Chart #11. This one leads to the treasure at Sector E1, Crescent Moon Island. |
Climb the ladder and exit. You'll come out into a small but tall lava-filled room. On a small island in the lava is a new enemy called the Magtail. Magtails are enemies with hard, armored exteriors. The only chance to strike is when they rear up and cry out. To take them out instantly, use a parry attack. Otherwise, a slash will cause them to curl up in a small ball. When this happens, they can be picked up in carried around. However, be warned that they will eventually uncurl. Also, you can slash them while they're curled up to destroy them. Defeat the Magtail on the small island. |
By now, you've probably noticed the lava geyser at the back of the room. You can utilize it to proceed. To do so, grab a water pot from the back ledge, then throw it where the lava geysers up. This will create a platform you can stand on. Jump on it, and the lava will propel the platform skyward. When it does so, jump to the wooden platform against the wall and leave the room. |
You'll be in the dungeon's antechamber, which is the room right before the dungeon boss. However, there is a lava stream preventing you from reaching the dungeon's exit. For now, use a Bomb Flower to remove the boulder on top of the yellow Warp Pot. |
Now use another Bomb Flower to destroy the boulder blocking the southern exit. You'll need to be quick to do so, though, as the bomb will probably explode soon after leaving your hands. Leave the room. |
You'll come out on some cliffs again, this time high above the clouds. Valoo is also nearby. It seems you're finally going to get your chance to calm the obese dragon down. |
Start running up the stairs towards the roost. However, run fast, because the stairs will collapse behind you. There won't be any backtracking that way... |
When you get to the top, a short cutscene will show you that two Shield Bokoblins have imprisoned Medli. No one messes with Link's ducky! Take out the Shield Bokoblins as you would any other monster. |
After the Shield Bokoblins are gone, a Kargaroc will drop a Moblin onto the battlefield. This time, though, it's not going to capture you--you have to fight. The butt-faced Moblin requires careful fighting tactics, because it has a wide range of attack. It can swing its long spear horizontally, try to knock you down with it, or jab at you. Take any opportune stabs possible. If you can, steal its spear and take it out with it. It'll use hand-to-hand combat without its weapon, but it's much less threatening without the spear. |
When the Moblin is defeated, Medli's cell will unlock itself. But before you go talk to her, check out the Treasure Ball the Moblin probably left behind. Destroy it when it's yellow to get items. There will probably be a Skull Necklace. Skull Necklaces are another item stored in your Spoils Bag, and their use will become apparent later. |
Just when it seems Link and Medli are about to suck face and have some hot cross-race sex, she hands him the Grappling Hook. Rather than being a sex toy, it's an incredibly useful item that can be used to latch onto horizontal poles and swing across gaps. While swinging, you can even stop and change directions as if it was a normal rope. The Grappling Hook can also be used to steal items from enemies. This is particularly useful for collecting spoils. Finally, it can be used to collect treasure from the sea floor while at sea. |
Before you go and talk to Medli again, use the Tingle Tuner to check out her cell. Use a Tingle Bomb at the right spot to make a jar containing a Red Rupee appear. |
Now climb the slope. Medli will explain how to use the Grappling Hook. Simply use it to go into first-person mode, then point the cursor at the horizontal pole. When a yellow explosion icon appears, it means the hook will latch onto the pole. Use it to swing across the gap. Medli will fly off to tell the other Rito how sexy you are--I mean, what's causing Valoo's pain. |
You'll have to use the Grappling Hook again to get across another gap. If you fall, just climb the ladder back up. At the end of the ledge, use your sword to destroy the barricade. |
Now start heading east, down the various cliffs, using the Grappling Hook. If you have to, stop with 'R' and change directions to ensure you don't go flying over the cliff. At the last cliff, enter the door. |