Now that Link has conquered Dragon Roost Cavern, defeated Gohma, and saved Valoo, all that's left to do is to get Din's Pearl from Komali. But will the young Rito prince be willing to give it up?
The Rito, including Prince Komali, will all watch as the ominous clouds above the island clear up and Valoo returns to his former peaceful state. They'd better have some awesome reward for Link after all that crap he did--though, knowing how retarded the game's characters seem to be, all he'll probably get is that stupid pearl of Komali's. Although, you have to admit, seeing Komali actually enter light of any sort is a big step forward for the emo kid. |
In any case, Link will appear back outside, on the coast of the island. Medli will force Komali into admitting his hero worship of Link. Finally, some recognition! Even Valoo says a little something about Link's heroship. Unfortunately, he doesn't make Link into a god or something of the like. |
Komali will hand over Din's Pearl, one of three pearls needed to get whatever it is you need to defeat Ganondorf. Before Medli and Komali run off, however, Medli tells you you need to go to the wind shrine behind the island. |
Go through the tunnel you used to get to the secret cave, then swim across the short span of water to the small island just ahead. There are two headstones here, one of them broken. Check one of the headstones to see some directional indications. |
Pull out your Wind Waker, then push the 'C'-stick up, then left, and right. You will conduct the Wind's Requiem. |
From here on out, you'll be able to conduct the Wind's Requiem just by pushing the 'C'-stick in the right direction. If you ever forget how to conduct a song, just check the quest status screen. The Wind's Requiem lets you change the direction of the wind, which effects how fast the King of Red Lions can get from island to island. Because of this, you'll probably be conducting the requiem way more times than you care to. |
After you've conducted the Wind's Requiem, a giant, spicy frog, a wind spirit known as Zephos, will show up and call you the new Wind Waker, which is what the game's title is based off of. As Zephos creepily flies all around Link, he asks that he take out his brother Cyclos if he ever catches the mischievous frog on the Great Sea. |
Now go and talk to the King of Red Lions. He tells you that the island's troubles were because of Ganon's monsters (no kidding?), and that you must sail to the south as quickly as possible. However, he won't even let you embark until the wind blows to the south. |
If you can't figure out what to do from here, then you're a certifiable idiot. Just pull out the Wind Waker, and conduct the Wind's Requiem. Then, set the wind direction to south. Climb aboard the King of Red Lions and sail in the said direction. |
Before you get too far, a saucy, talking fish known as Fishman (wow, Nintendo sure gets creative with names) will spring from the surface and insult your Sea Chart. In fact, it even draws in Dragon Roost Island on your chart. As you explore the Great Sea, you can fill in your Sea Chart by spreading some All-Purpose Bait close to the fish's shadow. There is one Fishman in every sector. |
Once Fishman has left, conduct the Wind's Requiem again and set the wind direction to north. |
Now open your Sea Chart by pressing up on the control pad. Then, look at your Treasure Charts by pressing 'Y'. Set the cursor on the Sea Chart to Dragon Roost Island (Sector F2), then press 'R' to switch to the Treasure Chart view. Scroll to Treasure Chart 39, then open it. A yellow 'X' will show up on the map. This is where the underwater treasure is hidden. Note that the exact treasure location will vary from game file to game file. |
Whenever a Treasure Chart is active, a Ring of Light will appear on the surface of the Great Sea. To differentiate it from regular Rings of Light, though, a shaft of light will pierce through the surface. However, it also disappears when you get close to it much sooner than a regular Ring of Light. |
To determine how close you are to the treasure, listen for the siren noise that gets louder as you get closer. Also, check the Treasure Chart screen until the arrow indicating your position is directly over the 'X'. Then, use the Grappling Hook to create a crane on the King of Red Lions. Sink it into the depths. |
If you get the chest, it will contain a Silver Rupee. Most underwater chests contain a Silver Rupee, though there are several exceptions. This is probably the best way in the game to make money fast. |
Now start climbing the island. Go back to the Rito Aerie. |
Go up the ramp to the upper floor. You may want to speak to the Rito Chieftain in the room where you met Medli, but it's not necessary. Talk to the Rito standing next to the entrance of the said room to meet Hoskit, a lovestruck Rito who promised to give his girlfriend Golden Feathers. What exactly would anyone want with one of the said feathers? It probably reeks like your grandma's ass... |
Anyyway, equip the Golden Feathers, then 'L'-target Hoskit and show the feathers to him. Agree to give him twenty of the feathers. In return, he'll give you an Orange Rupee. |
Now head back outside and board your boat. You can now proceed with the game by sailing south, or you can take care of a few more sidequests first by sailing west, back to Windfall Island. |