Forest Haven: Exterior
Now that Link has received the Deku Leaf, he can explore the two small islands around the Forest Haven, as well as travel to the foreboding Forbidden Woods.
Assuming you just exited from the highest ledge in the Sacred Grove, a brief cutscene will show you the lonely southeastern isle. To get there, first make sure you set the wind to blow southeast. Then, jump off the cliff and use your Deku Leaf. When you see your shadow on the island below, it's safe to drop down. |
Really, the only thing interesting about this island is the chest in the middle of it. Open it up to get Treasure Chart #3, which leads to the sunken treasure at Sector E3, Eastern Fairy Island. Mow the grass before you leave, as some magic jars are probably lying around. Now that I think about it, why are there vials of this stuff just strewn throughout the weeds. Odd. |
Now jump into the water and swim back to where you disembarked from the King of Red Lions. Unfortunately, you'll have to go all the way back up the river, then travel back up the Baba Buds until you reach the branch where you got the Deku Leaf. From there, fly to the ledge across from your position (not the one below Link), and go outside. |
Similar to before, you'll need to fly to the lone island from this cliff, only this time, set the wind to northwest. Then, just jump off and use the Deku Leaf to fly to it. You know, I tried doing this with a palm leaf in Florida about a year ago, and it definitely did not work. I guess it was because of a lack of magical energy, but on that note, Tingle now offers Green Ting for twenty Rupees, which restores all your magic, and Blue Ting for eighty Rupees, which restores your health and magic. Yeah...extortionist. |
The first thing you'll notice is a large valve in the middle of the island. Also of interest is the ladder that's extending into the trees. You'll have to drop that soon. But the scariest thing of all is the pimply super geek named Manny. I can just imagine meeting this guy in real life, and being spit all over because of an annoying lisp. I mean, have you ever met one of those people where you just wanna reach over there and POP that zit! POP! |
Anyway, Manny will tell you he wants to get into the club hidden below the valve. To do so, though, you'll have to hit a switch on the island wall. Problem is, it's way out of your reach, even with the Deku Leaf. Before you do anything, though, locate the crystal switch on the main island's side. |
To activate it, use one of your Hyoi Pears to summon a seagull, then just fly it right into that switch. The valve will open, Manny will hop inside, and the ladder will drop down, allowing you to climb up to this isle from the ocean surface. |
Unfortunately, you have to follow Manny into the hollow island. |
You'll be in a small room with many statues of various objects from the game. Manny is in here, just gushing dorkiness. Talk to Carlov, the fat man across the counter. He tells you that his place pretty much takes pictographs from its fans and makes statues out of the pictograph subjects. He calls this service the Nintendo Gallery, and you can create a statue of any character or enemy in the game, although there's not much reward for doing so. Unfortunately, he doesn't take black-and-white photos, which means you'll need to find a Picto Box that takes color photos. |
Before you head back to the Sacred Grove, locate Beedle's Shop Ship. He sells All-Purpose Bait and Hyoi Pears, so restock on those. |
Now to continue with your main objective: uh, what was it again? After a moment of thought, you'll probably remember: get to the Forbidden Woods to save one of the wooden munchkins. Go ahead and get to the branch where you got the Deku Leaf, then fly to the ledge with the grass arrow on it. Restore your magic there, then head outside. |
You're now across from the Forbidden Woods, but you can't fly all the way to the entrance in one flight. Instead, you'll have to first fly to the southwestern island that's jutting out of the sea surface. Set the wind to southwest, then fly there. |
Now, you may be wondering how to get to the entrance of the Forbidden Woods, since it's higher than your current position. The answer will come inn due time, grasshopper. First, recharge your magic, then set the wind to northwest. |
To get the height needed to make the flight, you'll need to catch the updraft. When the updraft comes around to the northwestern side of the island, make a well-timed leap and fly straight into it. If you timed it right, the Deku Leaf will be filled with air, pushing Link skyward and giving him the height needed to reach the Forbidden Woods. |
As you make your way there though, you may get attacked by Peahats, golden flying pods that make these freak-ass sounds. To fend them off in midair, just press the button the Deku Leaf is assigned to. This will create a short burst of air that will stun the Peahats momentarily. |
Once you land on the cliff leading into the woods, take a moment to realize that you can salvage Golden Feathers from the Peahats using the Grappling Hook, though at this point, if you've already given twenty of them to Hoskit on Dragon Roost Island, all they're good for is to sell to Beedle. |
Unfortunately, you don't have the means to defeat the Peahats just yet, so for now you'll have to settle with using the Deku Leaf to blow them away. Other than that, there's not much going on out here, so head on into the Forbidden Woods. |
Backward: Forest Haven: The Sacred Grove
To: Walkthrough Home
Forward: The Forbidden Woods: The First Leg
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