Walkthrough (part 3)
The enemies inside are for the most part easier than the ones you ran into on the way to the tower. Make your way from floor to floor, and once you've collected the Wind Mantle (which you should give to the Princess of Moonbrook and equip as an accessory), exit and return to Muinpeta. Stay at the inn and head out again. Go across the bridge to the south and then start heading west. You can stop in at Moonbrook if you want, but there's nothing there to find but ruins (except...you can run into Metal Slimes there, which will give you over a thousand experience!). Your real destination is southern Dragon's Horn tower all the way to the west, through a monolith, then west/northwest at the tip of a peninsula. It'a long trek, and the monsters on the other side of the monolith are significantly more difficult than what you saw in the other tower, so you may want to kill a few of those metal slimes to gain a level or two if you find yourself having trouble. |
Ascend to the top of the tower and step off the north end of the fifth floor. You'll find yourself on the opposite shore. Walk to the northeast to find the town of Rupegana. Go inside, stay at the inn, and pick up some new gear at the weapon shop. Save. When you're prepared, head past the weapon shop where a girl is being harrassed by two Gremlins. You'll have to fight them, but they'll go down easy enough. The girl will take you to her father, who will loan you a ship. Before heading out to sea, stand on the square in the northwest corner of town and search to pick up a Strength Seed. Now go ahead and take to the waves. |
Head northeast from Rupenaga in the ship to find the continent of Alefgard. Follow the coastline to the south and then inward until you find Radatoum Castle. Inside, upgrade your equipment and stay at the inn to heal up. If you're underleveled, take note that you can find large groups of Metal Slimes (around 7 at once, though most of them will run away before you can kill them) roaming around the east/southeast section of the continent. If you're confident of your levels, head into Charlock Castle, across the waters from Radatoum Castle. The one treasure you'll really want to find is the Sword of Roto, which you should give to the Prince of Sulmultria (see the map). Otherwise, descend to the bottom floor, pick up the few treasures there (make sure to heal frequently when walking across those barrier floors...yeouch!), and talk to th King Dragon's great-grandson for a little bit of information. That done, exit and return to Radatoum Castle to heal/save. |
Sail back to around Rupegana. Follow the coast all the way to the north, west, then south/southeast. It'll take a while. Eventually you'll reach the southern tip of the continent. From there, sail east (you'll be passing the island with the Leaf of the World Tree on it, a rare item that can revive a slain character. This is the island. Search the patch of forest to get the item). Sail past the island out into the open waters. Your destination is the pair of islands on the southeast section of the World Map. On one of those islands is a town, Zahan. In town, find a dog. Talk to it. It'll walk to a set place. Search right in front of it to find the Gold Key (you'll have to stand in front of it facing the building). Exit the town and head back the way you came, to the south tip of that large western continent. Hug the south shore until you see a town on land. Go to that town. With the gold key in your possession, you can now enter Perpoy. The town has a great weapons shop, so buy whatever you can (there's so much!), but be sure to save yourself 2000 gold... |
Head to the item shop and select the blank space. This is actually the Jailor's Key! You can buy it for 2000 gold. With it in your possession, it's time to do some collecting...but first, go to the jail in the northeast part of town. Head into the empty cell. Push against the blank right wall until you move through it. Talk to the guy there to get the Watergate Key. Now head back to Laurasia. Head to the treasury to get a bunch of stat-raising items, a Medical Herb, ~1200 gold, and (most notably) the Token of Roto. Now head down the staircase in the top right corner of the castle. Talk to the guy in the lower cell to initiate a fight with a Demon Priest (note: he's pretty tough. You might want to come back to this later). Beat him and you'll win a Staff of Thunder, the best weapon for the Princess of Moonbrook. Next visit Sulmultria to pick up the Shield of Roto. Moving on, stop by the southeast part of Alefgard to visit a shrine in which you can pick up the Helmet of Roto (now that you have the Token of Roto). Afterwards, head to Muinpeta. Go through the gold-rimmed door in town, and then open up one of the doors in the basement to fight two Vebirs (they're not too tough). Search the upper right corner of the cell to find the Water Crest. |
A quick note: the island set far west on the world map holds the town of Beran. It has a great sword in its weapon shop, the Dragon Killer (8000 gold), but as you probably don't have much money at the moment and there's nothing else to do there at the moment, you might want to hold off going there for now. Instead, head to the island on the east side of the map (south of Laurasia). Sail inland using the river on the west side of the island, and head into Derconder Castle. First head all the way around to the other side, then find the door into the back of the shop. Get the items from the chest (Armor of Gaia!), equip it, then go talk to the king. Agree to his challenge, walk to the center of the stadium, and kill the single Killer Tiger (not hard). Talk to the king afterwards to get the Moon Crest. Head back to near Muinpeta. Stop in the shrine that you used to get over to the Dragon's Horn tower. In the left one, search the wall across the bridge to open a door, then use the warp. Take the center warp from there to reach the Fire Shrine. Search as in  |
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