Walkthrough (part 3)
The enemies in here aren't too much worse than they were in Charlock Castle. However, you'll be fighting a lot more of them, so make sure to keep your hit points up. Other than some gold, there isn't any good treasure to find, so make your way to the seventh floor where you'll see an old guy (use the maps this time around...the lighthouse has a bunch of dead ends. Wandering around blindly will get you a couple level-ups, though...). Follow him. He'll lead you down to a chest on the second floor. Open it...it's empty. The old guy was actually a disguise, and you'll be attacked by four Gremlins. Unless you're extremely underequipped or low-level, they should be no problem. When they're dead, you get the Star Crest. Exit the tower and head over to Radatoum Castle. Besides saving and healing, be sure to talk to this guy. Say "Yes" to his question. |
Sail back to Rupegana. Move east one square, then sail north until you see a sparkling patch of water (example here). Search the water there to find the Treasure (you wouldn't have been able to do this unless you talked to the guy in Radatoum Castle). Now take the Treasure back to Rupegana. In town, bored the ship, and sail down, open up the door, and talk to the isolated merchant. He'll give you the Echoing Flute in exchange for the Treasure. If you continue using this walkthrough, you probably won't need it, but...Anyway, your next destination is the northern Dragon's Horn tower located just south of Rupegana. Climb to the third floor, and search around to find the Dew's Yarn (see
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Sail along the coast to the west, and to the north. You'll come across a river leading inland. Pass it by, and keep sailing. You'll come to a second river leading inland. Go up this one. Get off the ship at the place pictured to the left. Walk around the mountains to the north, and you'll come to the town of Teppa. There are two things to do. First, go through the locked door in the center of the village, and in the basement you'll find Don Mahone. You'll give him the Sacred Loom and Dew's Yarn, and he says he'll make the Angel' Robe of Water for you. It'll take him a day, he says. You will have to save somewhere, turn the system off, and resume playing the game to get it from him. First, though, in the north of town, northwest of the inn, you'll find a floodgate. Enter it, go into the basement, and use the Watergate Key. This releases the water and fills up the river outside. Now, in addition to being able to sail straight up the river to reach Teppa, you'll have access to the Moon Tower. |
First, leave Teppa, save in another town, turn the power off and back on, and head back to Teppa to get the Angel's Robe of Water for the Princess of Moonbrook. Also in Teppa is a shop with the Falcon Sword for sail. Personally, I advise you not to use this weapon. The Falcon Sword has a low attack power, but allows you to attack twice per round. For a quick demonstration of how this works in battle, let me give you an example where I attacked a Gold Orc with the Sword of Roto equipped, then attacked the same Gold Orc with the Falcon Sword equipped. In the former case I did 24 damage, in the latter I did 8 points of damage twice for a total of 16. The results should tell you that it's better to stick with the Sword of Roto for the Prince of Sulmultria. That said, once you're satisfied with your equipment, head into the Tower of the Moon, located south of Teppa across a river. |
The enemies in here give good experience and gold, so by the time you're done you should be outfitted with the best equipment you can find. Your objective is to get your hand on the Moon Fragment on the first floor...so of course you'll have to climb all the way up the tower and then head back down. Use "Outside" when you have to go visit the inn at Teppa, but don't use "Return", because since you can't save in Teppa you'll have to make the long sea voyage all the way back if you do. Once you have the Moon Fragment, your next destination is a small island surround by rocks to the west of the island where Derconder is. Park (?) your ship in front of the island (the one in the picture to the left) and use the Moon Fragment. The rocks'll sink into the sea, and you'll be granted acess to the Sea Cave. Inside you'll need to desend through multiple levels of lava-floored (saps your health...), enemy-ridden (watch out for the Puppet Men who sap your MP away and the powerful Killer Tigers), dungeon-crawling punishment to win for yourself the Statue of Evil, which awaits you on the bottom floor, guarded by two Firebane-casting Hell's Messengers. Enjoy. |
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