Gibea to Gaza Valley
- On the world map, head northeast to the River of Flames and get the Dragon's Armor
- Jump from platform to platform timing the jumps correctly (it's not too hard) and beware of rocks to cross the River
- Enter Sidon and speak to Samuel

- Head northeast on world map to get vials X 6, then head west to the Cave of Gaza
- Make your way to Hecate
and speak to her; then exit the way you came in
- Head east of Sidon to enter Hinom Woods
- Head east over two platforms while being constantly on guard for Crabs that randomly appear throughout the first half of the level
- Continue to the right over one floating platform, then back to the left over another
- Jump from platform to angled ledge, shooting the first Flower while in midair
- Head up and to the right, killing another Flower; continue right
- At this point:
head down and to the left rather than up and to the right; up and to the right holds a risky and unnecessary extra 1-up and vial X 3
- Head left then down onto the first 2 stones
- From the second stone, try to make it to the third stone, but you'll probably not make it and lose a heart

- Enter Willy Wonka-esque upward chasm; in this area pressing 'jump' will cause you to fall (you float upward by default) and pressing 'jump' a second time will cause you to float again
- Get 4 vials X 3 and a heart on the way up
- Beware of the first 2 retracting pikes. When you are about level with the second pike, you will no longer float so attach to the wall above the first pike, then jump across to the wall across from the third pike; observe their pattern for a bit to find the best time to jump across
- Now exit chasm and head west, avoiding the Ball Droppers, the pikes that shoot upward from the ground, and the Snake Flowers
- Now avoid three pikes on descent through another chasm and fall to the left to avoid landing on spikes
- Avoid two more sets of pikes to fight boss, Death Balloon
- Death Balloon is not very difficult, again try to remain on the opposite side of the room from him or his inhaling may be a pain. To avoid the inhalations, attach yourself to a side of the ledge in the middle of the room. Be conservative, take shots when you can get them, he only takes about 16 hits to kill. The best way I find to avoid the three bubbles he releases is to stay as far away as possible from them (the angled and straight ones are more separated when you are further away)
- Obtain the Night Drop and Magic Buster after defeating him and exiting the room
- Return to Hecate and giver her the Night Drop to receive the Candle of Darkness; use the Candle of Darkness in the middle of her room
- Speak to Hecate again to receive the Wings of a Fallen Angel then leave the Cave through exit on the right
- Proceed to Gaza Valley
Onward to the next section, Gaza Valley to ???????