Walkthrough Part 1 – Isis City & Vesta-1
The Outset
Gene wakes up in a hospital room with his captain. With the rest of the squad seemingly wiped out, the mission now lays squarely on Gene's shoulders: find Stolte. Who or what Stolte is, the captain doesn't get the chance to explain to you; he loses consciousness. Equipped only with the captain's BattleKnife and a BTank500, Gene isn't exactly armed for bear or trained for combat, but time and effort can change that.
Make your way downstairs. To leave Isis City, you need to rent a vehicle; a person by the garage tells you that you need ID to do so. How do you get ID? Talk to the mayor. Where's the mayor? He's fled to Vesta-1, which is also under attack, but you can still get there via the shuttle under the city. (Consider stopping at the Central Processing terminal to save now so you don't have to repeat the intro cutscene if you get unlucky and die.)
Head into the tunnels below the city. Soon, you encounter Dennis, another surviving squad member! He joins back up with you, and brings his HPKit1 to the party. Now you can both heal!
Now is a good time to become aware, if you weren't already, that every action you take in combat, be it a tech or a regular attack, consumes BP. Managing it will be key to your success going forward.
Before delving too deep into the tunnels, you might want to make sure Gene gains a few ranks—the enemies you'll encounter on Vesta-1 are harder than the ones down here. The RKO guide recommends rank 3; I think I went a little further, myself. It's not like the first few levels take long. When you're strong enough for comfort and rested back up, proceed to the shuttle, and to Vesta-1.
Vesta-1 Mining Outpost Back Entrance
Items Checklist
- BPCharge500
The shuttle plops you down in the middle of the mines. Float your way through tubes and tunnels to the outpost proper. You begin at the emergency shuttle bay in the southwest corner. There is a BPCharge500 in the southeast corner. The entrance to the outpost is in the northwest corner.
Inside, you'll find lots of people curious for news from Land 1. Head to the mayor's office. He gives you the ID Card you need. Additionally, he knows a little bit about Stolte! (After you've spoken with him, another person in the outpost will remember something else about Stolte—this isn't vital to progression, but it elucidates the plot a little.) You'll find the main shuttle port is out of order, so to return to Isis City, you'll have to go back across the mines, the way you came in.
Back to Isis City
On your way out of the tunnels, you get ambushed by the same robots that ambushed your team at the start! They're still too strong for you, but they still don't manage to kill you. The nurse that saved you before sneaks down and pulls your unconscious bodies out of danger and to the hospital. When you awake, the city has been evacuated. Reinforcements are needed. Maybe you can find help in Fiber City. Take your ID Card to the garage and rent a solar car.
Enemies encountered in this part:

central Land 1 field (early)

central Land 1 field (early)

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