Walkthrough Part 2 – Fiber City to Elec City
The Road to Fiber
Items Checklist
- MapFile 1
- Book
- RoboHP2K
With the awful condition the roads are in, it's not a straight shot to Fiber City. What's more, you don't have a map to navigate by. Well, that second one can get fixed pretty soon here; it's easy to find, but just as easy to miss. Let me help you orient yourself.
That's not the only point of interest in the vicinity—the first dome you encounter after leaving Isis City is probably the one where a survivor of one of the previous recon missions is hiding out. There's another where you can find a book off to the east. There's also another garage at the shore, and a freestanding Central Processing terminal south of there.
Once you are satisfied with your explorations and your levels, head south from the terminal and across the ravine. A brief fake-out battle will see Gene and Dennis knocked tumbling down into it, but unlike their car, they are relatively unscathed.
Climbing Up to Fiber City
Items Checklist
- SlowKit
Climb out of the tunnels, and you'll find that Fiber City doesn't have much to offer in the way of reinforcements. It does have some equipment upgrades, though, so feel free to browse those while you're there. (In fact, assume there's probably new stuff worth looking at anytime you reach a new location.) Someone in town will suggest you seek help in Iron City instead, so that will be your next destination.
If you wander to the southwest first, you'll find two domes: one you can't actually reach yet, and a library. The books in the library describe part of the weapons crafting system cryptically and with inconsistent localization. If it doesn't make much sense to you, don't worry—the weapons crafting was the primary reason I made this shrine in the first place. Check that section out when you're ready; it should make a lot more sense.
Like Kiesa said in the memo he recorded, the MapFile is not entirely current. There are lots of places on the way to Iron City where the road has been destroyed and you'll have to find a detour.
Iron City
Iron City is crawling with soldiers; surely they'll be able to help, right? One soldier has been imprisoned for defying orders—or, if you believe the soldier's side, for whistleblowing, warning that General Dan is not to be trusted. The people around the city point you toward General Dan up on the top floor, so Gene and Dennis make their way to him for a meeting. The general tells them that the city's running on auxilliary power, and unless the primary power source up in Elec City gets brought back online, he can't safely move his troops to aid anyone else. When Gene agrees to go to Elec City, General Dan gives him a NavBot1, which will let you select the Mobile, an offroad-capable APC, at the garage.
If you talk to NPCs around town, you'll hear them mention the Iron Refinery and the Robotics Plant—those are the two facilities just east of Iron City. You can't get in them yet, so don't worry about them right now. Head north through the mountains and across two gaps, and you'll reach Elec City.
Elec City
Items Checklist
- BPCharge500
- CheerKit
First thing through the door, you'll meet a child. He introduces himself as Tam, grandson of the roboticist Professor Tom-Tom. He's also here to turn the electricity back on. This place is too dangerous for a kid to be alone, but you can't escort him back right now anyway, so you bring him with you.
Deeper in the place, you'll meet Kris, a Resistance soldier who was here looking for Tam. Since you already found him, she joins up with you. From here, in the room to the right, you'll find a kit for a mood-affecting tech, and behind the left-hand door is what you came here for. Enter the room, approach the system, and Tam quickly springs forward, pressing buttons, flipping switches...and the power comes back online. Kid's a genius.
The RKO guide recommends aiming to be about rank 10 by this point. With the Central Processing terminal right at the entrance, it's a good opportunity to work on that a little if you're not quite there yet.
Enemies encountered in this part:

central Land 1 field (early)

central Land 1 field (early)

eastern Land 1 field

eastern Land 1 field

Elec City field
Iron City tunnels

SpeedKit (SPD up)
Elec City field

Elec City field

GuardKit (GRD up)

Iron City tunnels
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