Walkthrough Part 3 – Iron City Surrounds
Returning to Iron City
Items Checklist
- BPCharge1K
- BPCharge1K
- Calorie1K
- SpeedKit
While you were gone, the bridge was destroyed! But the tunnel is no longer under guard, so you can make your way back to Iron City that way.
Once there, you'll find that the Iron Unit have picked up and abandoned the city. They've left Astro locked up downstairs; maybe you can find a way to free him soon. They've also abandoned the Iron Refinery, and Tam can let you into the Robotics Plant.
Now, you have a moderately-important decision to make here—it's only moderately important because the ramifications aren't permanent, but they will stick with you for a bit. Two characters will be joining you shortly, but you can only have four in your party, and you can't switch anybody out until you reach Satellite Base. You have the choice of who you pick up first, thus who occupies your fourth slot until then. Do you want Astro, another human, using normal gear and normal healing items and abilities? Or do you want Tic, a robot, with completely different properties?
Both are fine; I played not realizing I was making a choice and got Tic first. He was kind of difficult to keep healed, since HPRecovery techs and Calorie items don't work on robots, but it's not like Central Processing is ever very far.
Your preference will determine which order you do the following dungeons.
Iron Refinery
Items Checklist
- AluminumLeg
- HandBomb
- Iron Card
Come here first if you want Astro for your party.
Turns out General Dan also left Morita imprisoned in the refinery. But there's a soldier left stationed here who has a key, he tells you.
From Morita's Cell, all the treasure is down the elevator to the west, and all the progress is down the elevator to the east.
Once you've gotten the Iron Card, return to Morita's cell to free him. Guess what else the Iron Card unlocks. That's right—head back to Iron City and release Astro, too! He'll give you an HealKit2 for your trouble, and join your party.
Robotics Plant
Items Checklist
- Calorie500
- HPKit2
- RobotParts
Come here first if you want Tic for your party.
This is Professor Tom-Tom's factory, so Tam knows the passcode to get you inside. You'll enter at the southwest corner of a big room, and find Tic walking around just to the east. Talk to him and he'll join you—he's a robot, he's not complicated. The other three corners of the room each have a treasure in them.
Now, based on what Morita and Astro said, so you should probably head back to Isis City to make sure everything's okay.
Enemies encountered in this part:

Elec City field
Iron City tunnels

SpeedKit (SPD up)
Elec City field

Elec City field

Iron City tunnels

RestoreKit (heal)

Iron Refinery
Robotics Plant
Isis City tunnels

Iron Refinery
Robotics Plant
Isis City tunnels

Robotics Plant
Isis City tunnels

Severe blow (crit)
Robotics Plant
Isis City tunnels
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