Walkthrough Part 14 – Bio Stronghold to Enemy Factory
Canal Exit
Items Checklist
- Calorie5K
- BPCharge3K
Taking the other exit from Center City, you'll be on the other side of the canals. Head south, and you'll reach this little facility. The zappy-lookin' tiles hurt when you walk on them, but only barely—you can pretty much ignore them unless you're on the brink of death. The treasures are both in the southwest corner; exit's to the east.
Now head east on land, and in a mountain pass, you'll find the Bio Stronghold.
Bio Stronghold
Items Checklist
- BPCharge6K
- Eyewash
- CaloriePack1
- CaloriePack1
- RobotParts
- CaloriePack2
- RobotParts
- BPCharge3K
- ParalyzeNine
- BPCharge6K
- RoboHP5K
- SuperBP
- CaloriePack1
- FreezeCannon
- BPCharge6K
The Bio Stronghold is a little bit of a 3D maze, but it's only three floors, so there's not too much room to get lost.
When you reach a long, narrow bridge, get ready for a boss fight. Lasers fire at you as you cross; I assumed this is what the ReflectSuit was for, but the RKO guide does not confirm this, so I am uncertain. After the boss fight, Gene learns his final Super, Zapper.
Once out the other side, it's just a little further to the factory.
Enemy Factory
Items Checklist
- RobotParts
- BarrierGlove
- RobotParts
- CaloriePack1
- CaloriePack1
- RobotParts
- BPCharge6K
- BPCharge6K
- BPCharge6K
- CaloriePack2
- MultiMissile
The factory is mostly a single, big, winding map consisting of a lower floor and an upper catwalk. The BarrierGlove you find here has low innate GRD, but on the first turn of combat, will burn BP to negate damage taken by its wearer. I never bothered with it, personally, but it's probably situationally helpful if you're not as grossly overleveled as I was. Once you've cleared out all nine chests from this room and reached the stairs down, it's a straight shot to the end, where you'll finally face the last of the Three Bio Generals, Weber. He's the last thing standing between you and the Bio Palace.
Once you've defeated him, there are two exits: the door connects back to Kaiser Road, and the stairs lead up into the heart of Bio Paradise.
Enemies encountered in this part:

Targets chest (drains ½ HP)
RestoreKit (heal)

RestoreKit (heal)
Potatia canals

Stun gas (PARA)

Targets BTank (drain ½ BP)
RestoreKit (heal)
Bio Base
Tunnels near Bio Stronghold

Tunnels near Bio Stronghold

PowerKit (ATK up)
Bio Base
Tunnels near Bio Stronghold
Bio Stronghold

RestoreKit (heal)
field around Enemy Factory

field around Enemy Factory

Targets armor (GRD down all)
PowerKit (ATK up)

Enemy Factory

GuardKit (GRD up)
Enemy Factory

Severe blow (crit)

Resists Specials

Severe blow (crit)
Stun gas (PARA)
Resists Specials
Resists attack items
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