Walkthrough Part 15 – Bio Palace
When I played this, I very nearly made a lap around the island because I missed the turn I was supposed to take. Use the map better than I did.
The Bio Palace
Items Checklist
- SuperBP
- CaloriePack2
- BPCharge6K
- CaloriePack1
- BPCharge6K
- CaloriePack1
- BPCharge6K
- SuperRoboHP
- CaloriePack2
- Metal-rang
- SuperBP
- SuperRoboHP
- CaloriePack1
- SuperBP
As soon as you set foot in the Bio Palace, its location will be registered in the HydroWing. If you have any MatsuCapsules, take this opportunity to turn them into EnergyPacks, and get whatever else you might need. At least one of your characters has probably gotten strong enough for a Rank 6 weapon; maybe one that already was is now strong enough for a better one. If you don't already have any, they will make a huge difference going forward. Click over to the Characters guide and check your party's qualifications.
If you want to explore efficiently, the first two elevators go down; take one of them to get the first four items in the list on the ground and basement levels. Come back to the start and take the rear elevator up to proceed.
On 5F, the random battles will get much harder. If you're undergeared, the RKO guide suggests using Kazu's Charm now, since the effort required to beat these enemies will be significant. It also recommends switching into the BarrierGlove at this point.
On 6F, head east first for items, then back to the west to proceed upward.
On 7F, go east first for an item, then loop all the way back around the room to reach the stairs.
Then on floor 8, you'll finally have your climactic confrontation with the Bio Kaiser. He hits very hard, but you should be able to hit and heal harder. When he's taken over 24,000 damage, he'll change form, and begin attacking all.
Stolte's Laboratory
- EnergyPack
- EnergyPack
...But it couldn't be that easy, could it? You've seen the stairs that have been at the back of every floor on the way up; now that you're at the top, you can take those stairs all the way back down to the very bottom, and through the door, into Stolte's Lab.
The two red chests contain EnergyPacks. Take them, and don't be afraid to use them.
This is the final battle. You know the drill.
Enemies encountered in this part:

GuardKit (GRD up)

RestoreKit (heal)

Targets BTank (drain ½ BP)
PowerKit (ATK up)

Psycho gas (CONF)

Targets chest (drain ½ HP)
Resists Specials
Resists attack items
RestoreKit (heal)
Resists Specials
Resists attack items
Resists Specials
Resists attack items
Breathes gas (MAIM all)
Resists Specials
Resists attack items
RestoreKit (heal)
Resists Specials
Resists attack items
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