Walkthrough Part 5 – Satellite Base to Potatia
Take your time exploring and getting used to Satellite Base—you're going to be coming back here a lot. Its size can make it a little intimidating at first, but its layout is really simple once you get used to it. There are two sections, both comprised of rings: they loop around going left and right (cardinal directions don't really have much meaning in such a small space station, y'know?). The interior section has two floors, contains shops, areas for NPCs to loiter, and most importantly, the crew lounge, where your extra party members hang out. The game never forces you to change party members, so who you take with you and when is entirely at your discretion. Personally, I kept everybody roughly evenly leveled (or, at least, using comparable weapons; differences in stats mean discrepancies in who can equip what when), but if you want to stick with the same four party members straight through, you can do that, as well. But do be aware that putting certain characters in the lead can yield different responses when you talk to NPCs—never anything that will trip event flags, but it can sometimes offer hints about where you should look if you've lost direction.
Speaking of party members, you'll also meet Pamil, a cyborg who wants to come with you to Land 2.
The exterior section of Satellite Base, you reach via the elevator in the room with the spaceport and the Central Processing terminal. When you exit, there is what looks like a map on the wall outside, but you can ignore that, it's just decoration, and not nearly so complicated. There are five "floors" of rings the elevator can travel on, with one line of track connecting all five of them. Each ring also has a node opposite the track where its point of interest is. The connecting track and the node are the only things there. Floor-by-floor, top-to-bottom they are:
- Entrance/Exit
- Weapons Shop – base materials for crafting
- [nothing]
- Arms Factory – craft two weapons into one better weapon
- Head of Research – offices of Morita and Matsushita
Pretty soon, you'll stop finding better weapons for sale, and you'll have to make them yourself. Keep track of what each character is able to equip, and craft them a new weapon anytime there's a reasonable upgrade. This will make a much bigger difference than leveling alone.
Now that you're all oriented, if you didn't run into him already, go talk to Chairman Toge. He'll give you a License and a MapFile2, and ask you to look into things on Land 2, starting with Potatia.
Potatia – First Visit
Advice: don't grind here. To be clear, grinding now is fine, but do it somewhere else. The RKO guide recommends Cornarea instead. The Scorpfish here is an aggravating enemy that will inflict ANEM on your whole party, and there's no "cure status on entire party" items or abilities, so you're in for a slow, repeated recovery process post-battle. I couldn't make up my mind whether I wanted to run from them or not—the success rate of fleeing wasn't great, and if you failed to run, whoops, you're anemic now.
Just south from the port is Kazu's Lookout. There, Kazu will tell you that the Bio Palace is just the other side of the mountains to the west (and that he misses his mom), and Takeru will tell you that beyond that used to be Stolte's Mutant Research Center, and maybe you'll be able to find a mutant translator there. First, they've got their directions backwards—to the west is Potatia Town and the end of the station. Second, that's not the Bio Palace the other side of the mountains; the Bio Palace is a lot further off. The building he's talking about is actually the Bio Fort. (Remember at the start I said there were some naming discrepancies? Here's one right here.)
A short distance to the northwest is the ruins of a mech shop, which you may have heard someone mention on Satellite Base. Now's a good time to check it out.
Mech Shop Ruins
Items Checklist
- DazeKit
- BPKit2
- Robotect5
- RobotParts
- RoboHP2K
On the ground floor, you'll meet Tac, another robot who's happy to join you. The rest of the place is just loot, with a save terminal on the top floor.
Another traveling interlude...
In Potatia Town, they'll tell you their stores have been ransacked by the Bio Corps, and most of their defenses are pinned down at their stockpile to the northwest, which has been made inaccessible by a poisonous mutant swamp, newly created by their foe. There's not much anybody can do about that without a hoverplane, and you can't pilot one of those without a NavBot3. Not a lot you can do to help out Potatia right now, it turns out.
One of the townspeople, though, is friends with Kris. Put Kris at the head of your party and talk to her again, and she'll give you a hint about taking a mutant translator to Orangeria Camp—there's a new direction to take. She also says Takeru might know something more, implying Kris and Takeru know each other...
If you stopped by the lookout earlier, it turns out he doesn't know anything more than what he told you already. But apparently Kris and Takeru used to be an item...? Spicy~!
The next two dungeons are sequential; you don't get a break between them. Challenging your characters' endurance can be a good way to gauge your readiness and get stronger while you're at it, but if you want to push through, you're probably at least going to need a few BPCharges. Prepare to your comfort, then proceed.
The Bio Fort
Items Checklist
- RoboKit2
- FireGun
- BPCharge3K
Status ailments get bad in here. There's Barth, which inflicts CONF—be sure you have Heal2 to deal with it—and Stampede, which can inflict PARA. Confused party members are almost useless, and if the whole party gets paralyzed, it's Game Over! It's basically a straight shot through, at least; not much chance of getting lost.
Mutant Research Center Ruins
Items Checklist
- DismayKit
- Rust-Off
- Mu-Trans
You emerge from the fort on foot in a strange, purple land...welcome to Bio Paradise. The Mutant Research Center isn't much further.
Phantom here can inflict PARA as well, but without the increased threat of other status ailments, it's a lot easier to deal with. If you have any robots in your party, be careful walking through puddles—they'll have a high chance of RUSTing.
There's two items in closets on the ground floor, and then in the depths of the basement is what you came here for: the Mu-Trans. You'll also notice a door near that...but it's locked, so don't worry about it yet. Start making your way back out. If you die, you'll keep the Mu-Trans, so don't feel too distraught.
That's all you can do in Potatia right now, but you just opened up opportunities in Orangeria. Onward!
Enemies encountered in this part:

Potatia field

Sleep gas (SLEP)
Potatia field

Cornarea waterway

RestoreKit (heal)

SpeedKit (SPD up)

RestoreKit (heal)

RestoreKit (heal)

Orangeria field

Sleep gas (SLEP)
Orangeria field

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