Walkthrough Part 6 – Orangeria
Camping in the Mountains
Items Checklist
- BPKit3
This is a short segment! Most of your time is going to be spent traveling from the port where you arrived to mountain tunnels leading to the camp.
As you can probably tell from looking at the above map segments, this involves looping to the east. Don't worry right now about the building on the water that you see on the way; you can't get there from here.
The tunnel has an optional sub-basement, where you can find a BPKit3.
Once inside the camp, you can find an HPKit4 and a HealKit3, and some good gear upgrades. You'll also meet Rita, who founded this camp for mutant refugees, who agrees to join you and gives you the OrangeDisk.
(Come back shortly with Rita at the head of the party, and you'll hear rumors about General Dan...)
While you're here, someone will tell you a message came in for you from Ceram City. Commander Sander needs Gene back in a hurry. Back to Land 1, then!
Enemies encountered in this part:

Orangeria field

Sleep gas (SLEP)
Orangeria field

SpeedKit (SPD up)
Orangeria tunnels
western Land 1 field
Cosmo City

Orangeria tunnels
western Land 1 field
Cosmo City

PowerKit (ATK up)
Orangeria tunnels
western Land 1 field
Cosmo City
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