Walkthrough Part 8 – Cornarea
Cornarea is full of dungeons, all of them optional, all of them packed with loot. It's a great opportunity to stock up and rank up before moving on to harder parts of the game.
Since there's little to these places besides crawling them for loot, I don't need to spend a lot of time talking about them. Let's set 'em up and knock 'em out.
The Isis Hotel
Items Checklist
- GaiaArm
- RobotParts
- MultiMissile
- MultiMissile
- MultiMissile
- MultiMissile
Sitting on an island just south of the port, this ruined hotel will probably be your first stop here (if you haven't been sequence-breaking...not that there's a firm order to this part of the game, anyway).
Cruiser Station
Items Checklist
- GuardKit
Barely even a dungeon on its own, but it has monsters, and it's got a treasure, so it qualifies for that much. Plus, it's your gateway to the rest of the dungeons in the region. Grab a cruiser and sail the canals.
Hospital Ruins
Items Checklist
- Calorie2K
- BPCharge3K
- Steroid
- MedKit
- RoboHP2K
- Rust-Off
- RobotParts
- RoboKit3
The in-game minimap has this place right on the transition line, so it's difficult to tell by looking there that it's only accessible via canal.
Library Ruins
Items Checklist
- Book
- Book
- Book
This library is also accessible from land, but split in half—the items are only accessible from the canal-side, while the recordings are only accessible from the land-side. Stop by here again when you're nearby at CornBase to check those out; they help elucidate the timeline of events leading up to the current situation.
Rec Center Ruins
Items Checklist
- SAMMissile
- Steroid
- IronPills
- BPCharge1K
- MatsuCapsule
- RoboHP2K
- Calorie2K
This place may be optional, but it's important. First, this is where you meet your final party member, Long. He's on the bottom floor, injured, carrying important materiel: a MatsuCapsule. You heard about those on Satellite Base, right? You can bring it to Dr. Matsushita, and he'll make you an EnergyPack, the best recovery item in the game.
Second, you can encounter the enemy Crystal Core here. Like the Transpealer earlier, they flee and are worth a ton of experience if you can defeat them before they do: 10,000 exp each this time. Unlike the Transpealer, though, the Crystal Core counts as a Mutant, so instead of Dennis's Crusher, Rita's Coolbeat will be more effective. Attack items are good, too.
The Cyborg Unit is having their own troubles: they've been ransacked by the Iron Unit! How'd they get to Land 2? The shops won't be open here until you can deal with them.
Explore the base, there's lots of information to be gained. Gene will learn his new Super, Slam. And you'll meet Kazu's mother. She's worried about him, and gives you Kazu's Charm to give to him. Don't forget to stop by the Lookout the next time you're in Potatia!
The RKO guide recommends having everyone able to equip at least Rank 4 weapons before proceeding, if they aren't already able to. You will, of course, have to craft those.
Enemies encountered in this part:

GuardKit (GRD up)

RestoreKit (heal)

Call reinforcements (chain battle)

Targets chest (drain ½ HP)

Cornarea waterway

RestoreKit (heal)

Cruiser Station
Hospital Ruins

RestoreKit (heal)
Hospital ruins
Rec Center ruins
Isis Hotel ruins
Purplin Town

Hospital ruins

RestoreKit (heal)
Ozone City tunnels
Rec Center ruins
Purplin Town

Retreat (flees battle)
Calls reinforcements (chain battle)
Purplin Town

Luft gas (RUST all)
Iron City 2 tunnels

RestoreKit (heal)
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