Walkthrough Part 9 – Vesta-2
Items Checklist
- BPCharge3K
- BPCharge3K
- Calorie2K
- Calorie2K
- RobotParts
- SAMMissile
Vesta-2 is probably the most confusing dungeon. It has you traveling back and forth through tunnels between opposite rock faces, and stealing party members from you when you do. A very specific party member, and the only way to get them back is to return to the entrance. While you won't be able to loot the place without losing anybody in this way, with proper planning and pathing, you can go from the start to the end and back while maintaining a full party. This one, I think I'm going to have to actually bring out maps to successfully communicate what's going on here.
I've taken RKO's maps here, unmodified, because they're the simplest and best-marked. Yes, they're in Japanese, but don't worry too much about the treasure chests, since I've already outlined those right above—even if you can't read any Japanese, you can probably correllate two-thirds of them. As far as the doors, just look for matching symbols, that's all it is.

And the separations of each door/hall:
ア | clear |
イ | Kiesa |
ウ | Rita |
エ | Pamil |
オ | clear |
カ | Long |
キ | Astro |
ク~ケ | Dennis (at left !!! mark) |
コ | clear |
サ~シ | Kris (at right !!! mark) |
You'll notice in the table that the robots don't get separated at any point. Get the one chest behind door イ first, and you'll then be able to pass everywhere else untouched with a party of Kiesa, Tic, and Tac—a very well-balanced composition.
At the far end of the mines, you'll find a hab where the HydroWing is stored. Congratulations! Travel just got a lot easier for you. You still need to take shuttles between stations, but you can now fast-travel between points on the same station.
Enemies encountered in this part:

Enemy Factory

Call reinforcements (chain battle)
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