Walkthrough - Day 2

Now, before we truly set off into danger, let's spend one more day in 'safe' areas, just to get the remaining conversations out of the way and get some more training in. First of all, leave town, and go north twice, past the Healer's house. You'll end up at the Baron's castle. The gate will be closed, and a guard can be seen doing his rounds above you. The guard, Karl, knows a lot about what's been going on, so he's another valuable information source. Ask him about anything to get his attention first, then you can ask him about the following subjects: name, castle, valley, baron, baron's son, baron's daughter, baroness, yorick, brigands, guards, baba yaga, curse, graveyards, protection, reward, hero, brigand leader, brigand warlock, monsters, treasure, work, work, stable, weapons master, gate. Asking him about anything but his name will earn you five points! When you're done talking, simply type Open the gate!, and Karl will be glad to let in a complete stranger asking so many nosy questions. Passing through the gate gives you yet another point.