Chapter 4 Walkthrough
Devil King's Revival
Battle 17: Grans Island |

This battle is tough, but because your characters have just been promoted (if you've taken the advice of leveling up to level 20 prior to promotion) you'll have a two advantages: you will have access to better equipment, and your characters will gain experience at a much faster rate than before. If you'd like to lessen the difficulty of this battle, Egress a few times, but with a proper strategy that's not necessary. Keep track of the enemy units' distances from your units and plan a simultaneous group attack on some of the enemies with a higher HP value. If you found Sasuke, using him in this battle for his versatility can be extremely useful as well. After the battle, Ridion the Warrior joins the force. |
Battle 18: Towards the Ancient Tower |

Spoils:1) Kaiser Knuckles, 2) Healing Seed
In addition to facing fewer enemies in this battle, you'll have more time as you move throughout the battlefield in between clusters of enemies. You should use this time to heal or prepare your units for facing enemies with a proper formation or defensive spells. The biggest threat during this battle would be being surrounded by the enemy units; to avoid this, you can either split your party up for the first half (until reaching the hallway), or you can slowly weave your way throughout the fire. The characters that stay next to it will have a space less to be attacked, so consider placing weaker characters next to these flames for defensive purposes. Finally, don't forget the Kaiser Knuckles in the chest on the left side. |
Battle 19: Towards the Ancient Tower |

Spoils:1) Demon Rod, 2) Mystery Staff, 3) Evil Ring, 4) Healing Seed, 5) Healing Seed
The majority of the enemies during this battle are magical ones, so be extremely careful about placing your characters within close proximity of one another and attack swiftly and powerfully. The true intent of this battle is to gain experience and items, something you should do even if it takes a few casts of the Egress spell. You probably won't need to, but it would be helpful to stock up your characters with some healing items for the powerful spells likely to be cast upon them by nearly every enemy on the battlefield; otherwise, you can rely on Morton, Cynthia, and Knuckles. Additionally, you can find Kojirou in the southeast corner of the map by searching the pale grass. |
Battle 20: Ancient Tower Entrance |

Spoils:1) Healing Seed, Ground Axe, Critical Sword, White Ring
The enemies are spaced closely together, but you should have no trouble handling them with a few attacks per enemy unit. In the beginning, move slowly and wait for them to approach your party, taking them as they come, then heal as necessary and proceed. As you get nearer to Max, your party will have lost a significant amount of HP and MP if you haven't been careful, so use up your healing items if necessary during this battle to avoid losing any of your units. Cast as many spells as possible on the large group of enemies around Max (and including Max himself) followed up by attacks and they should fall quickly, then go for Max. He can cast Desoul effectively, so don't waste any time in defeating him once you have the chance. After the battle, Max and Oddeye will join the party. |
Battle 21: Top of the Tower |

Spoils:1) Healing Seed
Unless you've got enough healing items to counteract the Demon Statues that will be attacking you from the top of the tower, you're going to be in trouble once you progress further into this battle. Not only will you have to defeat all of the enemies, but you will have to do it between firings of the Demon Statues' lasers. As you ascend the stairs, keep your party members towards one side rather than spread all over the place so that once you get to the top you can launch an attack on just one or two of the statues. This way, they'll stop attacking your party members and you can take your time in defeating the rest--but don't be too relaxed about it. You're going to need to have enough strength left over to defeat Mishaela and the rest of the enemies here! If you can, have Cynthia, Max, or Ian use the White Ring on your party members for a few helpful boosts (but don't let the ring break!). Overall, because the damage dealt by the Demon Statues is considerably minimal, you shouldn't have too much to worry about in this battle. |
Battle 22: Final Battle |

The difficulty of this battle depends on your success during the last battle; essentially, the more living characters, the better. If you egress during this battle, you will return to the previous battle and can try it again, but if you have Snette and a few hard hitters you won't even need to do that. Have Sonette stay as far away from each hand as possible and fire away each round to take them out slowly (yet completely safely) until both are destroyed. At this point, your party members can approach and destroy the main body with long-ranged attacks, flying attacks, spells, and anything else you have in your repetoir at this point. If you win, congratulations and enjoy the ending that you most likely won't understand anyway! |
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