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Please note that all shrines in Tartarus (tartarus.rpgclassics.com) are under construction. That means that the shrines may not be complete, links may be broken, etc. Please e-mail the maintainer any questions about this game that the shrine doesn't yet cover. Thank you! -Merlin | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TopsRules: The goal is to have the last Top standing. Both you and Basil have three Tops to spin. The first one is already wound up. So you begin by releasing it. To do that you want to stop the meter in the red or yellow. That meter determines the speed your top spins at. Red is best, yellow is okay, green is slow. Immediatly after dropping the first Top, start winding the second one. You do this by spinning the left analog stick as fast as you can. When it's fully wound (you can send it off before its fully wound, but thats not a good idea), The green, yellow and red meter will come back up. Just repeat the process Until all three tops are played.Tricks: The trick to this one is timing. Make sure you're tops all have plenty speed: aim for the red part of the meter. But most importantly, dont drop your second or third top until right after Basil drops his. Dont go before or wait more than a second or two after he him. Good luck. Prizes: Tops is a game that is played mostly for the rare items he gives you. Its also a way to get some mixed herbs, if you're good at it.
Down To OneRules: You and Gunter will take turns
rolling a dice. The first one to hit a "one" wins. Tricks: None. Good luck. Prizes: You can wage between 20
and 2000 Potch. Gunter matches the initial bet plus the amount of
his rolls.
Triple TossRules: You and Gunter will take turns
rolling three dice. What you are trying to do is get a double
(two twos, two fours, etc...). The third dice is your
score. If you roll a two, a five and a two... you're score is
five. Tricks: None. Good luck. Noah's Card GameRules: There is a lot of math
involved in this game. Too much for my taste, but anyways.... Tricks: Unfortunately, my bad math
skills made this game impossible for me. I couldn't win for
nothing. I wanted to kick this girl off my boat after a
while. Good luck.
Rita-PonRules: You and Rita are each dealt eight tiles (there are 41 total). The tiles can be either red, blue, green, yellow or rune. If it is a colored rune, it will have either one, two or three dots on it. There are 5 different rune tiles. The object of the game is basically to come up with 3 sets of 3 faster than Rita. Either 3 same colored tiles with sequential numbers on them (ie. red-one dot, red-two dot, red-three dot), Three same colored tiles with the matching numbers on them (ie. three blue 2-dots), or three (any) rune tiles.Each round you and Rita will take turns drawing one card and discarding one. If she discards a card that will complete a three of a kind set, you may pick it up. This is called "PON." When you only need one tile to have 3 complete sets, you can announce "REACH." After you announce reach, you will have to discard (or use if its a rune) every tile you pick up until you get the one that you need. If you get you're tile, Its called "TSUMO." If Rita throws down the tile you're looking for, you may pick it up and use it. This is called "RON." If you and Rita tie its called "RYUKYOKU." The rune tiles have abilities that can be used. The lightning tile allows you to card and discard 3 tiles in a row. The Fire tile destroys 1 or more of the opponents tiles. The water tile allows you to pick up a discarded tile from either your pile or Ritas. The Wind tile flips some of your opponents tiles over so they cant see them (but you can). And the earth tile protects your tiles from the fire and wind tiles. If you bring her points all the way to zero, Thats called a "HAKOTEN." She gives you an extra 1000, 5000 or 10000 Potch for these. She also throws in a antitoxin, mega-medicine or mushroom for doing really good.
Also note that the tiles can be switched around. You can put a different person's face on each elemental tile. The reason to switch these the points value. You can put some higher value tiles up to increase the points you win and lose with each hand. You can put lower value tiles on to try to get a higher hands won bonus. For Higher points, use Hero, Ted, Snowe and Keneth as your elemental tiles with one dot... ...use Tal, Gunter, Champo and Reinhold as your elemental tiles with two dots... ...use Lino, Cheipoo, Chadli and Nalkul as your elemental tiles with three dots... For lower points, use Selma, Aldo, Ramada and Tanya as your elemental tiles with one dot... ...use Setsu, Trishtan, Rene and Eugene as your elemental tiles with two dots... ...use Gau, Ornan, Agnes and Deborah as your elemental tiles with three dots... LotteryAs you purchase equipment and armor throughout the game, you will receive complimentary lottery tickets. Take these to the local lottery booth (or to bang if you've recruited him). One ticket gets you 1 free spin. It all comes down to luck. Spin the wheel, and hope a good color comes out when you stop. Your chances of winning a good prize are increased by using a lucky lottery ticket instead of a normal one. To get a lucky lottery ticket, equip a lottery ticket as your head equipment and go recieve a critical hit in a fight. This should have changed the ticket to lucky. If you unequip it, you should see that it shows in a different list than the other lottery ticket, even though the name doesn't change. Go back to the lottery booth, and the lucky ticket will automatically be the first one used.
Coin Game #1He flips the coin, you guess if its heads or tails. Not too difficult. You will receive prizes for the number of consecutive correct answers.Watch Carefully when the coin is stopping.
Coin Game #2Rules: You and Igor will each flip 3
coins. The one with the most "heads" will win. Also if you
get all "tails," and Igor has at least one "tails" you win. Prizes: You win what you bet.
Mouse CatchRules: In the Nay Kabold settlement is a warehouse with a Kabold standing outside of it. He will ask you to catch some mice for him.You will get to pick how many mice and how slippery you want the floor to be. If you say there are a normal amount of mice, you will have to catch 3 mice. If you say there are a large amount of mice, you will have to catch 6. If you say there are a extra large amount of mice, you will have to catch 10. If you say the floor is normal, you will not slip or slide. The other two options make the floor kinda slippery and very slippery. You will have 99 seconds, regardless of the conditions you set. The R1 button will make you move faster, but if you run into anything he will fall down and eat up nearly 10 seconds. The R2 button will make you move quietly and slowly to sneak up on a mouse. Prizes: Each set of conditions has a unique prize the first win and a smaller prize each time therafter. (the subsequent prizes are affected only by the amount of mice, not the condition of the floor)
Mushroom Vs. Mint WarThere are 2 parts to this strange mini-game. The first consists of making either a mint with Nao or a Mushroom with Mao.There are three phases to growing: Seeds, development and just prior to harvesting. In each phase you are asked five questions. The way you answer each question determines what kind of mint or mushroom you get. Essentially you start with 0, and each answer imposes a cumulative modifier on which the final result is based. When its' over, the item appears in the little box on the table in the center of the room. There are 7 possible types of mushrooms/mints: Poisonous, Mysterious, Gloomy, Normal, Sleepy, Confusion and Bucket. Each one of those inflicts a bad status ailment when used except for the normal ones. The idea is to make a normal mint or mushroom. To do so, follow this chart.
The second part of this
mini-games will turn your prize mushroom or mint into rare mixed herbs.
You have to have all 108 stars before it is available. If you have them, talk to one of the boys and make 3 straight mushrooms or mints. When you go to pick up your 3rd herb, the second part should start. In this part of the mini-game, you take sides with either mushrooms or mints in their epic struggle for dominance. You have a list of options to choose from in each turn. These choices are charge, where your soldiers run in and attack their foes, Ranged, where your soldiers shoot dozens of tiny arrows, Magic, where your soldiers perform a rune attack and other. Other covers such actions as spying and changing formations. The goal is to reduce your opponent to 0 soldiers while remaining one for yourself. Note: I cannot give any tips on this particular mini-quest as I never bother to play it. I've never seen the second part. I'm too impatient to wait for the mushrooms or mints. Sorry.
Treasure HuntingOccasionally you will find treasure maps. Until you recruit Rene on Donut island, you cant use them. Once Rene is recruited, you can have her analyze the maps for usage. With the maps analyzed, head to one of four islands to hunt for treasure. Mordo island has a small treasure hunting path on the back side. Donut island is the easiest to hunt in because of its small simple map. Limestone shelf island (SW corner of map) and Mass Mountain Island (NW corner of map) is generally where the harder searches are. Hold the (triangle) button to walk, and rotate the camera angle till youre looking down on Rene's head. This will make it easier to tell which way the rods are pointing. When a beeping begins, the rods will point in the direction of the treasure. Follow the rods until the beeping speeds up. At this point, the rods will stop working, but if you followed the rods straight, then the treasure should be directly in front of you. Walk until the beeping stops completely. That is where your treasure is. If the beeping slows down again, you have missed or passed up your treasure, follow the rods back. Here is a list of the treasure maps and their treasures.
Net FishingFishing with Shiramine is very rewarding since you can do it while accomplishing other tasks. Simply tell him to drop the net, then later have him pull it up with fishes and prizes in it. Prizes vary depending on where you're fishing. Also note that you dont have to be moving for this game to work. If you are looking for something in particular, you can tell Shiramine to drop the net, depart, then just let the ship sit there for 5 to 8 minutes. It also helps to have people with high luck stats in your party. I recommend Reinbach III, Cheipoo and Rita.
Pole FishingFind Ugetsu on the rear deck and pay him 100 potch and he'll let you fish with him. This mini-game is pointless because it cost money but doesn't give you anything in return. It does give you the fish you catch, but you do better having Shiramine catch them in his net for free.The idea is rhythm. Keep the bar inside the yellow bar until you catch your fish. the bigger and stronger the fish, the smaller the yellow rectangle. The bar at the top tells you how far out the fish is. Have fun with this one, because thats all its good for. |