Forsaken Fortress: Ground Levels
Things couldn't get much worse. Not only are the pirates not helping Link infiltrate the evil-enshrouded Forsaken Fortress, but he's also lost his sword. It seems that Link will have to resort to defensive tactics and sheer stealth to save his sister and make it out alive. You won't be able to return to the fortress once you leave, so explore it now
After only a couple of steps, something will vibrate in Link's pocket and scare him shitless. He'll soon figure out that there's a stone in his dress...er, tunic. This is the Pirate's Charm, and Queen Bitch can use it to talk to Link at any time. Yeah, your life is pretty much ruined now. |
There's some searchlights on the terrace above, and if Link is caught in them, he'll be locked up. So instead, grab a nearby barrel to use as a disguise. You can even move around while inside the barrel. As long as the searchlights or monsters don't see you actually moving while in the barrel, you're safe. Sure, it looks cartoony and ridiculous, but you gotta do what you gotta do. |
There are two searchlights scanning this courtyard terrace. There are also two Red Rupees in the middle of the courtyard, but to get to them, you'll have to be cautious.. Anytime a searchlight is coming towards you, you must immediately halt movement to hide. Of course, you could wait until the searchlights are disabled, but what fun is that? There are also four Green Rupees on the edge of the terrace, but they'll regenerate everytime you come to this area. |
Now go through the only door in the courtyard. You'll have to ditch your barrel to do so, however, so be careful. In the room you go into, you'll face several Rats. Rats are bastard creatures that run around the walls and ceilings, and when you least expect it, leap onto your back and knock many Rupees out. Reclaim what Rupees are left quickly when this happens, or else the Rats will steal more. However, there is one way to easily 'defeat' them--spread some All-Purpose Bait at the mouse hole in the wall. |
Not only will the Rats completely disappear from the room, but they'll also offer to sell you items--in this case, All-Purpose Bait or Hyoi Pears. You might want to consider buying All-Purpose Bait to replace what you just used, but otherwise, pass any purchases up. Rats usually overcharge. |
Now head back outside. Jump in the water, and swim back to the barrels. Take one, then walk back to the terrace, then start your trek up the stairs. However, be careful, because the spotlights hover around this area. |
After you sneak up the two flights of stairs and go a little farther, you can ditch the barrel. Don't be afraid of the spotlights shining on you, because they don't divert from a set pattern. |
You'll soon come to a breezeway, with doors on both end. Look at your mini-map to determine your location, then head through the southwest door. You'll be on a balcony above a lower room. DON'T FALL DOWN, because if you do, your ass will be thrown in jail so fast, you'll think you're havin' a flashback. |
Just head straight across the balcony and you'll come out on an enclosed breezeway. Just follow the path. |
If you've followed my directions, you'll be in the northwest chamber. Jump down to the ground floor. Unfortunately, a Moblin bust on the wall will come to life as soon as your feet touch the floor. |
The bust will shoot laser beams out of its eyes at you. And if you get hit with them, your ass will feel like KFC. As long as you keep moving, though, it's pretty easy to avoid the beams. |
On one of the bunks in this room is a wooden treasure chest. Hop onto the bunk--the lasers will cease, at least until you get off of the bed. Open the chest to claim the prize you went this far out of the way for--a Yellow Rupee. Sorry I made you do all that work for nothing, but this is a 100% completion guide, and that means opening every chest. |
Now head to the northeast door. When you get your feet back on the ground, the Moblin bust will continue shooting lasers. Just head for the door. |
This hallway is patrolled by a Moblin. Moblins are pig-like beasts that look like your grandma's ass on steroids. Unfortunately, you don't have the means to slice them in two, because Queen Bitch lost your sword. Whenever a Moblin sees you in this fortress, it will throw you in jail. Go ahead and get caught. |
Link will land in his cell with a thud. But as Queen Bitch may point out to you, the Moblins are too stupid to realize that there's a simple way to escape from the cell. |
Climb up onto the table, not because you want to have mad Moblin sex, but so you can jump onto the top of the shelf. From there, get rid of the pot, which probably contains a Blue Rupee. Now crouch down and crawl into the conveniently-placed crawlspace. |
When the crawlspace lets out, you'll be in front of your cell. Of course, all of the baddies are too stupid to even guard their prisoners. Now follow the path to a balcony over the southeast room. The chest here contains the Dungeon Map of the Forsaken Fortress. Rooms you've been to are green. Use these mostly useless maps to plan a route through a dungeon or when you need to know how to get to a certain room. |
As insane as it may seem, you should jump back to the ground level. Behind the barrels down there is a cleverly-hidden switch. This will open the door on the cell in the same room. |
A chest inside the cell has a Piece of Heart inside. This is the first of forty-four trinkets that will increase your life energy. Each time you collect four Pieces of Heart, your life gauge will be increased by one Heart Container. As such, it's almost essential to collect these whenever possible. Now, head northeast and get caught again and escape. Use the rope to get across to the opposite balcony, and head northeast outside. |
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