Dragon Roost Island: Exterior
Now that Link has arrived at Dragon Roost, thanks to the King of Red Lions, he is instructed to find Din's Pearl, an object that is necessary to defeat Ganondorf. But, unfortunately, it looks like Ganondorf's forces are already here, and you'll have to fight them to recover the pearl.
Link and the King of Red Lions arrive at Dragon Roost Island, an extremely tall mountain, with the spirit of the sky, Valoo, living at its peak. In addition, the Rito tribe inhabits the area. |
As Link disembarks, the King of Red Lions hands over a baton that was once used to conduct music for the gods. To use it, hold the 'C-STICK' in the appropriate direction. A red dot will travel back and forth at the top of the screen. When it hits the center dot, the note being held will register. You can hold the baton in four directions: left, up, right, and down. Not holding the baton in one of the four directions registers as neutral note. To change the rhythm, hold the control stick to the left or right. It may take a little getting used to, but you'll get it. |
Once you've succeeded in playing a song in 3/4 and 4/4 time, the King of Red Lions will let you keep the Wind Waker, the item the game's partially named after. It allows you to conduct the winds to sing magical tunes. You can play around with it now if you like, but you won't be able to actually make any use of it until you've gotten Din's Pearl. |
Directly across from the King of Red Lions is a small tunnel that leads to the island's opposite beach. There are also several small boulders around the area that you can use Bomb Flowers or Tingle Bombs to destroy, but they hold only minor treasure and the rocks regenerate. |
However, there IS a large boulder on the other side of the island. At this point, the only way to get inside is to use a Tingle Bomb, so if you don't have the means to use the Tingle Tuner, you'll have to wait. Of course, not having to deal with Tingle may make it worth waiting for the prize. In any case, another secret cavern is revealed, this one being the second of twenty. Jump in. |
You'll be in a small, gloomy room. Head through the door into the next room. There are six doors in this large, circular room, one of which is the one you came through. Another door is barred, so you must check out one of the other rooms. Start out by going through the door just to the left of the entrance. |
You'll be attacked by a swarm of four or five Keese, nasty bats that fly through the air and swoop at you, just causing general annoyance. However, they'll hover in the air in front of you for a few seconds before attacking, the opportune to take out one or more with a single slash. |
When all the Keese are defeated, a torch adorning the bottom-left door will start burning. The goal of this cavern is to get all the torches burning. To do so, you'll have to defeat all the enemies in three more rooms. |
Fight through the four rooms. You'll eventually face a new enemy, the Wingless Mothula. These beasties are four-legged bugs that basically just charge at you. Swing your sword at them to defeat them (duh). |
However, another tactic the Wingless Mothula may use on you is to turn around, and...um...crap out a bunch of spiked eyeball parasites. GOD! That's DISGUSTING! You're pretty much covered in bug shit. These little eyeballs are called Morths, and while they can't physically harm you, you will move much slower when they attach themselves to you. To get rid of them, use a spin attack. |
The other two rooms contain a host of Red ChuChus and Bokoblins, both enemies you've fought before. Take them out in addition to the Keese, Wingless Mothulas, and Morths, and the final door will unbar itself. Go through it. |
You'll be in a small room with a treasure chest and some pots. Before opening the chest, smash the pots for a literal ton of Rupees. The actual chest contains a Purple Rupee. That's what you came for, so leave the room and head through the door directly across from you to get back to the entrance. |
Close to the King of Red Lions is a giant boulder blocking the path, as well as a patch of Bomb Flowers. Bomb Flowers are pretty much explosive plants. When you slash them, they explode. Watch out, though, because just like Tingle Bombs, Bomb Flowers will blow your skull off. You can also pick the bomb from the ground and transport it to something you want to blow up. Shortly after the flower explodes, it will grow back where you originally picked it. Use the Bomb Flowers to blow up the giant boulders in the path. |
Across the pond close to the Bomb Flower patch is a sign that has an arrow pointing up. This is a subtle hint. Look skyward to see a string of Bomb Flowers growing on the mountain wall, leading to a boulder jutting out. You can wait until you have arrows to set the flowers off, but you can do it almost as easily now by using a Hyoi Pear to have a seagull fly into one of the bombs. It will cause a chain reaction that destroys the boulder. |
A treasure chest will fall out of the rock and land next to the sign. It contains a Silver Rupee, which is worth a whopping 200 Rupees. The Silver Rupee has the largest monetary value of all Rupees.
The King of Red Lions isn't the only ship on this island--Beedle's Shop Ship also sails around the island's perimeter. Because of this, it may be hard to catch when it's on the island's north side. In any case, as dreadful as it may be to visit Beedle, you may want to purchase a replacement Hyoi Pear. |
Also, there are a few Green Rupees hidden in the pond near the Bomb Flower patch, just barely poking above the surface. Not really worth your time. In fact, I don't know I even mentioned it. |
Now start making your way up the ledges, using Bomb Flowers to destroy the boulders blocking the path. At one point, you reach a boulder that is on a ledge too high to kerplode. Just toss a Bomb Flower its way to where it lands on the ledge next to the boulder, then climb up. |
Eventually, you'll reach a gap in the path where there's a broken bridge. To get across it, sidle along the thin ledge, just as you did at the Forsaken Fortress. The path ends at a Blue Rupee. |
A boulder is wedged in a small gap, with some boxes on top of it. Use the nearby Bomb Flower to take it out, but be careful that it doesn't blow you off the small ledge. |
Before you continue up the path, drop down to the ledge below the blocks. Pull out one of them so the top one falls down. This will create a shortcut, so you won't have to go up the long path and sidle across the thin ledge again. |
Now proceed up the path, where you'll run into Quill, the postman that helped you out back on Outset Island. After a short conversation, he invites you up to the Rito Aerie, which is only a short walk away. After he flies off, follow him into the cave-like opening on the island wall. |
Backward: The Great Sea: Voyage to Dragon Roost
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Forward: Dragon Roost Island: The Rito Aerie
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