Useable Items


PicNameDescriptionFound In
PotionMedicine that recovers 50 HP.Found in many areas.
Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Skeleton, Skeleton Swordman, Astral Fighter, Skeleton Archer, Astral Knight, Skeleton Knight, Skeleton Soldier, Astral Warrior, Skeleton Warrior & Skeleton Hunter.
High PotionMedicine that recovers 100 HP.
A bit hard to swallow.
Found in many areas.
Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Spartacus & Phantom.
Super PotionMedicine that fully recovers HP.
A little hard to swallow.
Found in a few areas.
Mana PrismA prism with magic sealed within.  Restores 100 MP.Drops from Flame Demon, Frost Demon & Thunder Demon.
Heart RepairMedicine that recovers hearts.  Restores 50 Hearts.Found in some areas.
Drops from Mad Diver, Flea Man, Gargoyle, Lesser Demon & Death Reaper.
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SerumMedicine that cures poison.Found in some areas.
Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Poison Zombie, Poison Lizard & Skeleton Flower.
Uncurse PotionMedicine that purges curses.Found in some areas.
Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Executioner.
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Magical TicketIf you use it, you will be taken to the front of Rinaldo's house.Found in some areas.
Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Dullahan.
Memorial TicketIf you use it, you will be able to return to the last save point you accessed.Found in some areas.
Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Gaap.
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Big MeatA big piece of meat.  Restores 290 HP.Drops from Lizard Man & Fish Man.
CurryExquisite dish using a dozen or so spices and simmered for a day and a night.  Restores 180 HP.Drops from Red Ogre.
HamburgerA food made of fried, minced meat, sandwiched in pieces of bread.  Restores 50 HP. Drops from Man-Eating Plant.
NeapolitanPasta sauteed in ketchup.  The cheap feel is all for the better.  Restores 75 HP.Found in House of Sacred Remains, 1F.
RamenA food said to have come from the Far East by way of the Silk Road.  Restores 180 HP.Won from the secret 'bowling game' in House of Sacred Remains, 1F.  (refer to Extra Stuff)
ShortcakeLight sponge cake, smooth whipped cream, and perfectly ripe strawberry topping.  Restores 30 HP.Found in Anti-Soul Mysteries Lab, 3F; in platform switch room, hidden from camera.
Small MeatA little piece of meat on a bone.  Restores 29 HP.Drops from Fish Man & Merman.
SushiA first-rate dish, made with tuna from the neighboring seas.  Restores 180 HP.Drops from Merman.
Tomato JuiceA freshly squeezed juice with no added flavorings.    Restores 50 HP.Drops from Flea Man.
Wine1000 years old; millenium vintage.  Restores 80 HP.Drops from Axe Knight & Dullahan.
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ZirconAn imitation diamond.Use with Jewel Crush Acc. to increase money.Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Axe Armor.
TurquoiseA stone said to protect travelers.Use with Jewel Crush Acc. to change Sub-Weapons. Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Cyclops.
OpalA beautiful jewel the color of a rainbow.Use with Jewel Crush Acc. to knock back enemies. Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Axe Knight.
SapphireA sparkling, blue-colored jewel.Use with Jewel Crush Acc. to absorb enemy's energy. Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Heavy Armor.
RubyA sparkling, red-colored jewel.Use with Jewel Crush Acc. to damage enemies. Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
Drops from Armor Knight.
DiamondA very beautiful, valuable jewel.  April birthstone.Use with Jewel Crush Acc. to fully recover HP, MP & Hearts. Bought in Rinaldo's Shop.
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