Armor Information
Alphabetical List
Body Armor data layout is as follows:
Armor Name | Base Cost | AC | Max DEX Bonus |
Bonuses, Special effects and other notes. |
Upgrade Information
AR is Armor Reinforcement
MU is Mesh Underlay |
Other accessories data layout is as follows:
Accessory Name | Base Cost |
Bonuses, Special effects and other notes. |
Body Armor
Clothes and Disguises
Armor Class 4 (Light Armor)
Armor Class 5 (Light Armor)
Armor Class 6 (Medium Armor)
Armor Class 7 (Medium Armor)
Armor Class 8 (Heavy Armor)
Battle Armor | $400 | 8 | +1 |
No Bonuses |
No Upgrades |
Powered Battle Armor | $2000 | 9 | +1 |
Strength +1 |
No Upgrades |
Cinnagar Plate Armor | $4000 | 10 | +1 |
Damage Reduction 25/Sonic Only available via cheating |
No Upgrades |
Mandalorian Armor | $9000 | 10 | +1 |
Damage Reduction 25/Sonic Only available via cheating |
No Upgrades |
Verpine Zal Alloy Mesh | $12000 | 12 | +1 |
Damage Reduction 25/Cold Damage Reduction 25/Fire Damage Reduction 25/Sonic |
No Upgrades |
Calo Nord's Battle Armor | $10000 | 9 | +1 |
Damage Reduction 10/Cold Damage Reduction 10/Fire Damage Reduction 10/Sonic |
AR: +3 AC, Immunity: Critical Hits
MU: Immunity: Mind affecting |
Armor Class 9 (Heavy Armor)
Jedi Robes
Skill and Stealth Belts
Regulator Belts
Shielding Belts
Agent Headgear
Neural Bands
Stabilizer Masks
Breath Mask | $100 |
Medium Armor Proficiency Required Immunity: Poison |
Sith Mask | $1000 |
Heavy Armor Proficiency Required Immunity: Mind-Affecting Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Force Point Regen +1 / round (6s) |
Stabilizer Mask | $5500 |
Medium Armor Proficiency Required All Saves +2 Immunity: Mind-Affecting |
Vacuum Mask | $5000 |
Medium Armor Proficiency Required Immunity: Poison Immunity: Mind-Affecting |
Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask | $6000 |
Light Armor Proficiency Required All Saves +1 Immunity: Poison Immunity: Mind-Affecting |
Combat Headgear
Miscellaneous Headgear
Implant Level 1
Implant Level 2
Implant Level 3
Power Gauntlets
Agent Gloves
Dextrous Gloves
All shields last 200 seconds or until depleted. All Shields start with 5 charges.
Energy Shield | $140 |
Shields: 20 pts Energy, Electrical |
Sith Energy Shield | $350 |
Shields: 30 pts Energy, Sonic, Electrical |
Arkanian Energy Shield | $700 |
Shields: 40 pts Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical |
Echani Shield | $980 |
Shields: 50 pts Energy, Sonic, Electrical |
Mandalorian Melee Shield | $1120 |
Shields: 20 pts All Physical |
Mandalorian Power Shield | $1400 |
Shields: 30 pts Energy, All Physical, Electrical |
Echani Dueling Shield | $1680 |
Shields: 60 pts Energy, Electrical |
Yusanis' Dueling Shield | $1960 |
Shields: 100 pts Energy, Electrical |
Verpine Prototype Shield | $2240 |
Shields: 70 pts Energy, Sonic, Cold, Heat, Electrical |
Brejik's Arm Band | $1000 |
Damage Reduction 5/Slashing |
Droid Armor and Accessories
Droid Plating
Droid Computers
Droid Interfaces
Droid Shields
All shields last 200 seconds or until depleted. All Shields start with 10 charges unless otherwise noted.
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