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Known Bugs and FixesThis is not a comprehensive list of all bugs and is still under construction. If you know of any bugs that isn't listed here, then please contact me. None of these are fixes are offically supported. Disclaimer: I cannot be held responsilbility for any damage that may occur due to your usage of these files. Use at your own risk. Modern Bugs and Issues: The most recent ATI drivers can actually break the game so that you cannot load saves or start new games on some systems and specifications. Placing this file in your game directory (not override) will allow your game to run normally. This is for 64 bit versions of Windows 7 and Vista. For other verions you will have to go to the AMD website and download an older driver and unpack the dll yourself. There are also other various issues with playing on 64bit Windows 7 and above, such as being unable to move after combat. In my case using borderless-windowed mode using a 3rd party app fixed the problem. If you do go that route, the mouse cursor position may be wonky after setting it to borderless windowed mode, so change the resolution, and return it to the resolution you desire to fix the mouse positioning problem. You'll have to do that every time you start up the game unfortunately. If the above solution doesn't work for you then you can try turning on v-sync. Apparently this will work if your monitor's refresh rate is 59-60hz. In the off chance that neither solution works for you, you can at worst quicksave-load whenever you get stuck. For ways in which to resolve other issues regarding playing Kotor on newer versions of Windows, please refer to the following blog linked here: http://blogs.tigarus.com/patcoola/2012/05/14/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-for-windows-7-64bit/ Original Bugs and Issues: The XP reward that you get from delivering the box to Motta the Hutt is not correct. This file fixes it so you get the reward if you deliver the box to him at all. Tanis' dialogue on Tatooine is bugged for females only (which is so like him). In the hunting lodge one dialog option cuts off abruptly, and out on the dunes he never acknowledges your request, neither credits nor the option to stop hunting. This file fixes the problem. A bug in the hilt script on Kashyyyk prevents you from ever receiving Bacca's Blade Hilt. This in turn prevents you from ever getting Bacca's Ceremonial Blade the second best melee weapon in certain conditions. Namely if you kill Freyyyr and report to Chuundar without ever getting the blade, then kill the ritual beast without Zaalbar in your party you will be stuck with only the blade and no hilt in your inventory. If you have Zaalbar with you will still get the sword. Also when Chuundar says he only has the hilt (if you killed Freyyr in the shadowlands) the dialog option "Well, that ends that..." calls the give hilt script even if you already had the blade, thus making it impossible to complete the sword. Even if you do add the hilt to your inventory, the script that "fixes" the blade never removes the hilt from your inventory. This will fix all Bacca's Blade related problems. This will only fix problems prior to getting the blade or hilt. Elora will confess to Sunry's infidelity automatically if you have Jolee or Bastila in your party. However you won't get any credit for it. This fixes that problem. A minor bug on Manaan in Ignus' Dialog prevents him from testifying on your behalf if you force persuade him. Click here for a download to fix that dialog choice. If you have already force persuaded him, then this file won't work on that game, in which case you will have to edit your save file and set MAN_IGNUSL_DONE = True. A minor error in Iridorian's dialog stops you in the middle of the dialog choice where you ask for information in exchange for credits. To continue the dialog you have to press 1 or 2, just as if you were making a choice to persuade him, though the choices are not visible. The real intent was that the persuade check was supposed to happen in the background. Also another error means that in the rare case when you have Bastila in your party and have neither Affect Mind nor a high persuade skill causes her force persuasion dialog to kick you out of the conversation. This file fixes both problems. The Security Camera Dialog on Manaan is extremely annoying. I have fixed the dialog so that it is much easier to deal with. Download the file here. A certain bug prevents Ziagrom from appearing, which in turn prevents Mika's ubershop from ever becoming available. The actual problem is Xor. Once you meet him you can never meet Ziagrom or any other messengers ever again. The easiest way to prevent this bug is to kill Juhani. If you want Juhani in your party, then just make sure you don't talk to her once she starts talking about her family, until after you meet Ziagrom. For those that have already killed Xor you need to edit your saved game and set K_XOR_AMBUSH = 3. This should allow Ziagrom to appear. You can download a fix that I have made here. This will not help you if you have already killed Xor, and you will have to edit your save. When interrogating the prisoner in the Sith Academy, if you exit the conversation after drugging him a few times, and immediately afterwards try to use the console again, it is possible that you become unable to do any actions until the looping animation in the drugging script finishes. This is very annoying and can take quite a while to finish, especially if you drug him a large number of times. The animations have been removed and the default animations in the conversation are used in this script click here. When you fight the Sith Apprentices that accuse you of being a spy, their soundsets are mismatched, namely the female Sith has the voice of a male and vice versa. This file fixes that When you first get on the Leviathan when Saul is torturing your characters, sometimes the dialog forgets to check whether your character is male or female, resulting in inappropriate dialog for female PC's (Bastila speaks instead of Carth). Click here to download the fix. On board the Yavin Station, when the Trandoshans appear for the first time, some of the dialog options sometimes causes you to be kicked out of the dialog. To download the fix for that dialog click here. If you don't want to download each individual file, you can download this archive which contains all the above fixes in one archive. All files must be extracted to your override directory.