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PazaakPazaak is a simple card game that is purely optional and for the most part only serves as an additional source of credits. Basically it is a modified version of Blackjack, except that the computer is a cheating bastard (that and the random number algorithm isn't). The rules are also slightly different. First, the goal is to get 20 or below, not 21. If you go above 20, and you cannot decrease it to 20 or below using a single card from your reserves, then you lose the hand. If both players stand below 20, then the player that is closer to 20 wins that hand. If both players have the same card value, it ends with a draw. All cards dealt are from 1 to 10, with an equal chance that any number will show up each time (supposedly). You always go first, and whoever busts first automatically loses the hand, meaning that the computer starts out with an advantage. Finally, whoever wins three hands first, wins the match. Anyways, the first time you can play this mini-game is on Taris. Go to the Cantina in the Upper City and Garouk will sell you the deck you need to play for only 50 credits. He also plays tutorial games with you in case you're interested.
Also of importance is knowing what decks you are up against. There are three decks available (well four actually, but one is never used) that the computer Pazaak players use. The computer players will chose 4 cards at random from their deck just like you.
The Decks:
Some strategies to deal with each individual deck are as follows: Deck level 1 is the easiest to deal with, and as long as you have a better set of cards, you shouldn't have any trouble dealing with your opponent. On Taris, where you only have a limited selection of cards, it is probably best to upgrade your deck by buying from Uriah or Igear. You can also find some cards in the sewers in Zaalbar's Stash. Once you've done this you'll be on better footing, and should be able to dispatch your pazaak opponents without too much trouble. A good thing to remember is that since this deck doesn't have any + or - 2 or 1 cards, they are more likely to stand on an 18 or a 19 than the other decks, meaning that standing on a 19 is safer. Deck level 2 can be the most annoying depending on the luck of the draw. It is the only enemy deck that has the ±6 card, meaning that the computer can come back from a 26. In fact I find this deck is often harder to deal with than deck level 3, which only has cards up to ±4. If you're lucky the computer will draw several + cards, rather than - or even ± cards, but this doesn't happen very often. Also since they have the ±1 card, they rarely stand on a 19, so you'll want to be wary of that. Deck level 3 is supposed to be the ultimate deck. but really it isn't that impressive. Since it only goes to ±4, it lacks range. If they hit 25 or above they are dead. While each card is more versatile, as a whole it isn't too intimidating. Still, that doesn't make this guy a pushover, No sir. This guy will rarely stand below 20, meaning that you'll probably have to let him win a hand, in order to get and keep a card advantage. That said, so long as you can keep from going over, there's always the chance that they'll hit out of their range, handing you the victory.
Below is a list by planet, of the Pazaak players present, and the number of games they will play, as well as which deck they use. It also contains a list of Pazaak merchants, who sell you Pazaak cards. Also whenever it says that a deck is used for ?? games, it means that that character will use that deck until you win that many times. If you lose it does not count it for or against your total. The exception is Niklos. Garouk: Uses Level 1 Deck as a Tutorial. Also sells deck for $50 Niklos: Uses Level 1 Deck with Maximum Bet of $40. Can play infinitely if you forfeit without betting. Niklos will play until you win 5 times more than you lose, 6 if you play consecutively. Gelrood: Uses Level 1 Deck with Maximum Bet of $40. Can continue to play indefinitely.
Uriah Sells following cards:
Mission: Uses Level 1 Deck as a Tutorial. Sol'aa: Uses Level 1 Deck with Maximum Bet of $120 for 5 games. Uses Level 1 Deck with no Bet for 1 game. Rewards you with the following cards if you win: ±2, ±3 x2 Also Sells following cards:
Furko Nellis: Slightly different from other Pazaak players in that he doesn't bargain. Also only lets you win once before switching decks: Uses Level 1 Deck with bet of $50 for 1 game. Uses Level 2 Deck with bet of $200 for 1 game. Uses Level 3 Deck with bet of $500 for 1 game.
Kudos: Uses Level 1 Deck with Maximum Bet of $75 for 4 games. Fodo Medoo: Uses Level 1 Deck with Maximum Bet of $75 for 4 games. Uses Level 2 Deck with Maximum Bet of $200 for 4 games. Uses Level 3 Deck with Maximum Bet of $600 for 1 game. Uses Level 3 Deck with no Bet for 1 game. Rewards you with the following cards if you win: ±1 x2, ±2 x2 Jolan Aphett: Uses Level 2 Deck with Maximum Bet of $200 for 10 games. Uses Level 3 Deck with no Bet for 1 game. Rewards you with the following cards if you win: ±1, ±2, ±3 Gonto Yas: Uses Level 2 Deck with Maximum Bet of $200 for 10 games.
Shady Rodian Sells following cards:
Toll Apkar: Uses Level 2 Deck with Maximum Bet of $100. Can continue to play indefinitely. (There is supposed a 10 game limit but a scripting error prevents this.) Suvam Tan: Uses Level 3 Deck with Maximum Bet of $750 for 10 games. Rewards you with a 20% discount if you win the 10th game. Uses Level 1 Deck as a Tutorial after winning all ten games above.