Walkthrough - Night of day 1

There should still be plenty of time for you to return to town before nightfall. If not, you've got a problem: You'll be stuck outside for the night. Although this doesn't have to be an issue, for the purposes of the walkthrough, it's imperative that you be in town when night falls.
Of course, this isn't a problem when you're a Thief, or you chose to learn the Climbing skill as another character class. Then you can just climb over gate when it's closed. It may take some practice, but if your Climbing skill is about 35, you should make it. Otherwise just keep trying until you succeed, your skill will go up with every attempt.
If you know Magic, go back to Zara's magic shop before anything else. With the extra money from the Healer, you can buy Open, giving you access to another spell. You will also gain 2 more points for this if you're a Magic User. Although you could also buy Flame Dart at this point, you wouldn't be able to cast it enough times for it to help you much, so I advise to get Open first.

Back in town, proceed north from the Sheriff's house, then move one screen west. You'll notice something glowing in the alleyway to the north. You'll see a gold coin in the back of the alley if you go there, but it's obviously a trap. Don't approach it, or you'll be ambushed by the thieves, Slink and Sneak, who will kill you unless you give them all your money. You'll even lose 10 points for doing this, so be sure to avoid that alleyway at night.
Hey, colleagues! You've got nothing to fear from these guys when you're a Thief, in fact they can be quite useful. Remember what Bruno said? Just go right ahead into that alleyway and when the thieves appear, make thief sign. Sneak will tell you what the password to the Thieves' Guild is, and to tell it to Crusher at the bar. You'll get 3 points for doing this.

The only door you're able to enter in this part of town is the door to the bar. Boy, isn't this a friendly-looking place. If you wish, you can move to the empty stool and sit down. The bartender will come over and ask what you want. You can ask him about the following things: bar, drinks, Crusher, thieves' guild, Mama. If you're wondering about the last one, the man has a tattoo that says 'Mama'. Since he's not particularly helpful, you won't get any points for this. And you definately shouldn't bother with ordering any drinks. The ale's alright, but a waste of money. If you drink one too many ales, or Troll's Sweat, you'll lose consciousness and 5 points. If that wasn't bad enough, you'll find yourself outside the bar when you wake up, relieved of all your money. And if you decide to try the Dragon's Breath like Bruno suggested... well, hope you enjoy spontaneous combustion. So instead, just get up if you sat down, and look under stool. You'll notice there's a note stuck under it. get note, and you'll automatically read the cryptic message from "B", as well as gain 2 points. That's all there is to do here.
UNLESS you're a Thief, of course. If you are, read chapter 5 to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Thievery.

When you're ready to turn in for the night, head to the Inn. If you didn't see it earlier, it's right next to the Sheriff's house. Upon entering, the Katta owner Shameen, half-man, half-cat will welcome you. You can ask him about the following things: name, inn, Shema, Shapeir, Abdulla Doo, fate, brigands, robbery, hero, guild hall, food, spices, room, kattas, Spielburg, work, ale, tavern, magic, spells, monsters. You get 1 point for asking him about any one of these things. If you got here early enough, Abdulla Doo will be sitting at the table as well. If you approach him, he will talk to you, and asking things when standing nearby will make you ask him questions. His close encounter with the brigands yields some valuable information, so be sure to question him about the robbery and the brigands that were present. You'll get a whopping 5 points for asking him about any one of the following things: name, friends, katta, Shapeir, Hasan, valley, robbery, goods, magic, brigand leader, cloak, wizard, brigand warlock, minotaur, guards. When you're done talking, move to the chair and sit down. Shema will come to ask for your order. You don't need to talk to her for points, but you can ask her about name, Shameen, Shapeir, food, drink, ale. There's not much point in ordering just a drink, and one comes with every meal anyway. But if you order food for 3 silvers, you can satisfy your need for food for most of the day. Don't eat this particular meal however. Instead, give food to Abdulla. He'll tell you about the magic carpet the Brigands stole, and that he'll use it to take you can the Kattas to Shapeir if you can recover it. Your kindness will earn you 2 points. Now, get up and sit down to make Shema come back, order food again, and this time eat food, for a full belly and 1 more point. Now you'll need a place to sleep, so get up, walk over to Shameen and rent room. This costs you 5 silvers, but you'll get another point and a good night's rest in return. Your score should now be 55 as a Fighter, 59 as a Magic User, or 58 as a Thief. Tomorrow, we're off to see the Baron, the wonderful Baron of Spielburg!

Onward! |