Name | Lvl | Cmb | Damg | Appearance | Description | Comment
Water Pillar | 1 | W | 4.1 | short small geyser of water in front of caster | Drown your victims in a devastating column of water. Move close to your target for maximum effect. | Very strong relative to MP usage.
Water Pillar 2 | 3 | WW | 4.1 | large wide geyser in front of caster | " | Ditto.
Water Pillar 3 | 4 | WWW | 4.1 | taller wider geyser of water in front of caster | " | Able to reach any flying monster.
Healing | 6 | WE | -0.5 | short thin white column with bubbles around caster | Restore your HP. | The most important spell in the game.
Soul Searcher | 10 | WF | NA | magnifying glass on target | You can view all enemies' statistics. | Look at the monster's element then exploit it.
Ice Wall | 15 | WWE | 3.1 | puff of light blue gas from the caster | Engulf attackers in a fog of deadly frozen water. | This may freeze the target.
Ice Knife | 17 | WWA | 2.2 | size thin long light blue icicles stab the target | Huge sword-like icicle pierce downward into an adversary. | Attack surrounding monsters and freeze them as well.
Exit | 19 | WA | NA | blue-green pillar over caster | Takes you back the beginning of an area. | Returns Brian to the entrance of a cave or forest.
Escape | 23 | WEA | NA | expanding white wall of light from caster | Run away from the attackers. | Very useful to avoid pointless battles.
Return | 24 | WAA | NA | blue pillar over caster | Returns you back the beginning of the level you are currently on. | Returns Brian to the last town that gave out wings.
Healing 2 | 25 | WEE | -1.25 | short thin white column with bubbles around caster | Restore your HP. | Better than Healing
Soul Searcher 2 | 33 | WFF | Soul Searcher | magnifying glass on targets | " |
Walking Water | 35 | WWF | 2.7 | larger wide eyers ripple away from caster | Same as the Water Pillar but it moves away from you. | Aim this carefully.
Drain Magic | 40 | WEF | 0.00379 CMMP* | tall thin dark blue pillar around the target with concentric white rings towards caster | This spell will drain the MP from your opponent and transfer them to you. | Best range is about three paces away.
Invalidity | 46 | WAF | NA | tall pink column around caster | Will negate a Freeze Spell. | Actually this disenchant Brian removing any good or bad status modifiers.