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The Thief DondoranLike Melrode talk to everyone and learn stuff. Dondoran is the capital of Kennishire and produces pots and earthenwares for Celtland. It seems that a thief has stolen a jewel from the castle and no one is safe. (You'd be scared too if you lived your entire life in safety, then some jerk robs you.) Points of interest are the quarry, pub, store, and inn. The quarry has a Spirit right in the middle. The pub has Dew Drops and Fresh Bread for Brian and the store has the Yellow Wings. They work just like the White Wings but take Brian to Dondoran instead. At the inn Shannon is waiting in the common room. She seems to know that the thief is hiding in Connor woods. When Brian is finished with the town head for the Castle.Dondoran CastleInside the castle go strait ahead to the throne room and talk to the guards along the way. King Scotford has been expecting Brian since he received a letter from the Abbot. He is in quite a pickle with the thief taking the Earth Orb. It is the stone holding the Earth spirit and source Dondoran's prosperity. Although he doubts that Brian can recover the Orb he still asks his for help. After that chat explore the castle. Adjoining the throne room is Scotford's bedroom with Dew Drops and Bread inside. On the second floor is the princess Flora. More confidently than her father, she orders Brian to retrieve the stone. While you are invading her privacy raid her chests for some more Dew Drops and some Mint Leaves.Connor ForestRest up at the inn and head west for Connor. You should go strait ahead from leaving the castle. In the wood are stronger monsters, but Brian's death should be commonplace by now. Head down the right path and pick up two Spirits along the trail. At the end is a chest with Dew Drops and a gate. The gate leads to Dondoran Flats, but is locked now.Backtrack your way through the trail and now take the left path. Shortly there is a hut with another Spirit and some Giant's Shoes inside. Don't worry about getting lost, in the woods. Just stick to the path and head east. It may wind but it is linear. After a few bends there is a tree that is forked and by the path's edge with a Spirit is next to it. Eventually the path circles at the entrance of the old fort with another Spirit by the entrance. Regardless whether Brian is ready for battle, it is now time to beef up Brian with this trick. Get into a battle with monsters that have weak repetitive attacks like Homing Arrow or Wind Cutter--at this point it is a Frog Knight with Wind Cutter 2. Destroy all other monsters in the group with your staff. When its mano-a-bufo pass turns and let the frog slow drain your HP. When Brian's HP is really low end the battle. If you have Healing, restore your HP and repeat. If not go nuts with the staff until the battle is over by triumph or death. This voluntary beating blasts you Defense through the roof, making battles easy. It is recommended that you do this once per area. Now let's see Brian has been at Melrode, the Holy Plain, Dondoran, and Connor. Better get caught up in training. I have delayed this technique because dying one HP per turn by Were Hares is more annoying than normal monsters. Enter the fort and heal up with short pathway. Solvering the thief is in the middle of the platform, and ready to battle Brian. He is an Earth monster and has two moves, (like every other monster out there). The long range one is a blast of fire as thick as a tree trunk. The close range one is a hop that trusts spikes of rock all around him. At his defeat Brian not only gets the stolen Earth Orb, but 10 HP as well for defeating a boss. Brian should have an elemental level around twenty at this point, and he should battle taking advantage of the ethos followed. Fire specialists should use Power Staff for starting. Then change to Fire Ball when Brian starts to pant. Earth specialists should put on Spirit Armor and use Staff Attacks, since Earth spells are weak against him. Water specialists can use Water Pillar. Back off once in while to use Healing. Wind specialists can start the battle with a Wind Bomb to lower Agility then use Large Cutter or Wind Cutter. Generalists must use Staff attacks since no spell is strong at this point. Since this is early in the game, Brian may not have strong spells to defeat Solvering quickly. So use Fresh Bread or two if needed. BootyWith the Orb retrieved its time to sack the fort. There is a chest with Honey Bread and another with Mint Leaves on the other platforms. Now head back to Dondoran and visit Scotford. (Death is a quick way to return.) He entrusts the Orb in your care and in gratitude opens the treasure room. With the thief gone he opens the gate in Connor to Dondoran Flats, and says that your father went there to cross Loch Kilderey. After that conversation search behind the throne for the entrance to the treasure room with a Spirit, a Heroes Drink, Healing Potion and Replica inside. Afterwards rest up and head to gate in Connor.Dondoran FlatsWith a new map do not forget to train Defense. Brian can always use extra Defense. The Flats has a simple path with three Spirits along the way. However make a beeline to the inn at the southern shore and do not board the boat. Once there Brian can gather the Spirits at he leisure without worrying about crossing the Holy Plain and Connor in case he dies.Glencoe ForestAlthough the map clearly shows a path to Glencoe Forest it seems to be inaccessible. This is because the camera angle hides the path from Brian's normal view. On the southern road to where it "supposedly" meets the western one to Glencoe place Brian at the edge. Turn him to face away from it and press B. Now you will see the plank that leads him down to the Forest.Glencoe holds six Spirits and is actually one of the optional areas of the game. (See map.) The downside to the cache is that the monsters are stronger than the ones on the Flats. However this allows for good experience. If you do enter Glencoe go left from the entrance to find a cottage. Inside are a lady and a Silent Flute. Head north (use your compass) to take a look at the cave the lady spoke of. It is flooded with water so you cannot enter for now. Lake KildereyWhen you are finished training or exploring, board the boat by the inn. The captain will give you a free ride. Enter the cabin and exit to arrive in at West Carmach. Talking to the captain will reveal the predicament of this country. The wind has stopped and the current is in the wrong direction. |