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The Eletale Book Baragoon MoorRight at the beginning of the road is an inn and behind it is a Spirit. The keeper will provide board for Brian. Upstairs is whole bunch of items and a Spirit. Rested and stocked up direct Brian east to the castle town. Before entering explore the platform in front of it. There are Spirits in each of its ends.BrannochJust as cheery as outside all the citizens are in terror over Beigis's policies. (Yes, Beigis has cannons in an island that is an agrarian society pointed at the villagers, the sicko.) Some of the villagers have locked their doors (I don't blame them), so enter those who are still trusting. The barracks house frighten soldiers and hear the rumors of the magical experimentation. A kind soldier will replenish Brian's Heroes Drink, and another will give a hint on how to enter the castle. There are some Black Wings in the store and an inn right across. Inside Shannon (again) describes how the prisoners are treated, and alludes to Barthomoly being one of them. Save and train Brian in preparation of not returning to Brannoch or anywhere else for the matter. Visit Glencoe or Shamwood if they have not already, and boost defense. Do not bother with raising Elements naturally. Brian's statistics are so high that experience in battle is gained as fractions of a percent. He should be 125 or higher. (I got up to 150.)Brannoch Castle Lower LevelsWhen Brian is ready take the western gate to Brannoch Castle. The castle doors will not open so take the left path to the back. Go up the stairs and head along the wall. If Brian goes all the way around there will be a Spirit. Take the door there to enter the castle.The castle is very linear. Moving along, Brian will pass above the main hall and The castle is very linear, composed only of corridors with central floor rooms. Moving along, Brian will pass above the main hall and up the spiraling keep. From here on the directions are simple, counter-clockwise takes Brian deeper in and clockwise leads out. The first chest he comes across will hold a Dragon's Potion and be by a door. Inside that room is another Spirit. There are no monsters in the room so rest as needed. Next there is a room full of cannons. Then there are more halls, and finally there is a large room holding the source of Beigis's power. Guilty has developed the magical artillery for Beigis and seems to have enhanced himself with it. Now he wants the Spirit Gems that Brian possesses. He has two basic attacks. His range attack is six nails grabbing Brian like two hands. The close attack is a shock wave from pounding the ground that disenchants Brian. Guilty does not have an elemental association so use your strongest attacks like Staff, Avalanche, Fire Ball, Water Pillar, and Large Cutter. He is susceptible to Wind Bomb's Agility decrease so start the battle with that if Brian knows it. Guilty also is slow, so if Brian runs in a circle he will not be able to catch up. With his defeat Brian gets an additional 10 HP. Brannoch Castle Upper LevelsWith Guilty out of the way head out the door for more halls. After a few corridors there will be another room full of cannons. Raid the chest by them for a Heroes Drink and Healing Potion, then some more corridors. Along the way there will be a chest and a door. The chest holds some Mint Leaves and the door has a friend.It seems that Leonard has sneaked into the castle before you did (probably the same way Shannon does at inns), but thinks that he cannot go farther. He offers to heal Brian and save your game. Keep in mind that Exit does not work in Brannoch before you save. Raid the room for lots of goodies the final Spirit. Refreshed, continue along the halls until Brian reaches are a map room. In the center is a model of Celtland with a Spirit Light and Golden Amulet on the sides. Across the room are Shannon and a wounded man. Shannon certainly has changed personalities. She scorns the man's efforts and bullies Brian to face Beigis fatalistically. The man turns out to be Bartholomy. Yeah, your original quest is over! He urges Brian not to go any further, but with Celtland's fate in his hands you must continue on. Beyond the map room is a hallway and then the throne room. More like an inner sanctum, Beigis comments on Brian's futile actions in from his seat. Like other bosses he has two moves. The range is a green blast like Solvering's and the close is a Spiritual sword slash. They both do about the same amount of damage but the slash removes enchantment. It is best if Brian uses strong attacks on Beigis. He is weak against water so Water Pillar is useful at this time along with Avalanche, Fire Ball, Magma Ball, Wind Cutter, and Large Cutter. However Staff attacks will probably do more damage since its power results from all elements combined rather than a specific level. When Brian begins to pant retreat to the catwalk, since the distance will make him a harder target, and heal up. If Brian cannot defeat Beigis do not worry. It would be better to use this battle for experience than waste items. On his defeat Brian will gain his final 10 HP bonus. After the battle follow the second catwalk to a door behind the throne. Castle RampartsWith Beigis gone the whole castle is quiet. Take advantage of no monsters and heal yourself. Soon you will be on the roof where Shannon is. Finally she reveals everything to you. As puppet of Mammon, she stole the Eletale Book and entices the thieves to take the Spirit Gems. Now that you have them all you can release Mammon to destroy Celtland. (So that's how she traveled fast.) Take the tome and head for the elaborate stone circle to teleport to the World of Mammon.David Copperfield GlitchYes, Brian too can be like David and make all of Brannoch Castle disappear! First save at Leonard. Next get the Eletale Book. Now enter the World of Mammon and die without saving inside. Brian will be warped back to Leonard. Don't save! Exit--not the spell--the castle to the moor. Now cast Return and Presto! Brannoch Castle is gone as well as the rest of Celtland outside of Brannoch. You can now walk on/in the invisible castle, through walls, and up those impossible to reach cliffs. It is nothing useful but neat nonetheless.The World of MammonThis place looks like the Twilight Zone crossed with Celtland, so utterly simple and so effective. This dimension has the strongest monsters and possibly has the lots of empty sections. Take advantage of those points for healing. Always keep going forward entering the other midair door and you should be fine. If Brian enter a "room" without another door just exit it the one he came from.Over time you will meet Begonia, who offers to heal and save. (She a 1000 year Over time you will meet Epona, who offers to heal and save. (She is a 1000 year old sage; instant teleportation is cake for her.) If you do save remember there is no way out of the World of Mammon from this point on. Exit her room to enter an anti-Melrode. Nobody is here and all of the doors are locked. Take the gate to the Monastery for more odd platforms to an empty one with Shannon in the middle. Strangely you do not fight Shannon. She instead gives you the Dark Gaol Key to open Mammon's prison and quips over humanity. She knows the extreme power of Mammon, but cannot help but think how tiny humans live so happily. Exit the platform to the final lair. If Brian is not strong enough to take Mammon on, do not talk to Shannon. Take the door to warp back to the beginning platform of the World. MammonHead up the platform to face the demon that caused the Day of Grief. He is eager for Brian's arrival since he opened the way for it to leave. Now let's get ready to rock. Mammon employs three moves. First is a Solar Explosion from his hands. This is move is pretty much unavoidable and removes enchantment. Next is a Machine Homing Arrow that volleys nine flaming arrows at Brian. Weave in and out to minimize damages. Finally there is a Flaming Wall in which three walls of fire spread out from him. Step back away from Mammon to maneuver better. Grit your teeth and blast away with Brian's most powerful attacks. He has the whole platform to move but only the higher end give him enough range for Staff Attacks. Since Mammon is far away from Brian homing or wide range attacks are better for battle, e.g. Avalanche and Wind Cutter. Use the Dragon Potion's and Spirit Lights, you are not going anywhere after this. When all is completed sit back for a quick chat, nice philosophy of life, and gentle monastic music.The Ending |