Please note that all shrines in Tartarus ( are under construction. That means that the shrines may not be complete, links may be broken, etc. Please e-mail the maintainer any questions about this game that the shrine doesn't yet cover. Thank you! -Merlin
Site Navigation

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First Quest Navigation
Door Repairs
Dungeon Maps
Extra Heart Containers
Fairy Ponds
Free Rupies
Gambling Spots
Item Shops
Overworld Map
Potion Shops
Secrets and Tricks
Warp Halls

Fairy Ponds

To see where the locations of the fairy ponds are, check out the Overworld Map.

1st Location Overworld Map Coordinates: D-5
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up, then four screens left, and then two screens up.

2nd Location Overworld Map Coordinates: J-4
Route from game start (Map, H-8): From the game start, travel one screen up, then two screens right, and then three screens up.

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