The Killer Bees, Windfall's most menacing citizens must be disciplined! Although it isn't necessary to complete this task right now, it's worth it to do so.
Before we begin, it's worthy to note that this next section of the walkthrough is optional, but the section of this page about the Killer Bees is necessary to complete the game. Anyway, head through the door of the building with the large stoop in the plaza, next to Linda. |
This place is ran by Salvatore, a man who just seems like one of those people that hates his job. He runs a mini-game attraction here. |
But first, there are three Yellow Rupees behind the wooden ship. Grab those before you begin. |
Now save your game and go talk to Salvatore. Pay him 10 Rupees. After an oscar-winning performance, the mini-game will start. This game plays a lot like Battleship, if you've ever tried that. You basically pick a sector on the board and press 'A'. You're aiming to uncover three squids. One squid takes up two sectors, another takes three, and the third takes four. You have twenty-four bombs to sink all the squids. Unfortunately, there's no real strategy to this, other than spreading out your shots across the board. |
The first time you win, you'll get a Piece of Heart. This is the second of forty-four.
If you win again, you get Treasure Chart #7 of forty-one. Treasure Charts allow you to find underwater treasure. Using these charts is probably the easiest way to keep a good supply of money throughout the game. Sometimes, you'll even get Pieces of Heart or other treasures. I'll explain how to use them later. This particular treasure chart leads to the sunken treasure at Sector B1, Star Island. |
Every time you win after getting Piece of Heart #02 and Treasure Chart #7, you'll get a Purple Rupee. |
Salvatore will state that the record is 20 cannonballs. If you can sink all the squids with nineteen cannonballs or less, you'll get Treasure Chart #23 in addition to the prize you got for just winning. This Treasure Chart leads to the sunken treasure at Sector A6, Diamond Steppe Island. |
Finally, you'll get an Orange Rupee every time you beat the record after you've already received Treasure Chart #23. You'll also get whatever prize you wouldn't gotten if you hadn't broken the record. |
This next segment is essential to completing the game, although it won't be apparent why until much later.. Across from Salvatore's is Mrs. Marie's School of Joy, Windfall Island's elementary school.You'll know it by the ugly sign just outside the door. |
Don't be afraid of the hulking clown across from the doorway when you enter. It's only Mrs. Marie, the teacher. And let me tell you, if you haven't already figured it out, the citizens of Windfall are some crazy-ass psychos. Who would let a clearly delusional bat out of Hell clown lady watch over their children? Oh, and she's good at her job too--it's the middle of the afternoon, and not a student in sight! any case, talk to Mrs. Marie a couple of times until she asks you to take out the Killer Bees, a gang of juveniles. Agree to her proposal, then head back outside. |
Talk to Ivan, the capped kid. He'll say something about Mrs. Marie being a hag, then challenge you to a game of hide-and-seek. If you can find all four of them, they'll start being more obedient. They won't hide inside, and they won't leave the island. However, if YOU go inside, the event ends and you must start over. |
Start out by heading out of the plaza, towards the clearing. You'll come out on a wooden ramp leading to the plaza. However, there is a small wooden ledge that you can carefully walk across that wraps around the wall. Do so until you reach the grassy path. |
Hiding behind a bush on this path is one of the Killer Bees, Jan. She immediately jumps down into the market below and takes off. |
Every time you find a Killer Bee, he'll take off, and a chase comparable to something from Fast and Furious will ensue. Actually, they're pretty easy to catch. To catch them, just roll instead of running normally, as rolling is faster. |
The next Killer Bee is hiding behind the bomb shop. There's a secret path that leads back there that you may have heard about from Anton. To get there, go around the bomb shop's side, and you'll find a narrow ledge that you have to sidle across. |
Hiding around the corner is Jin. When he sees you, he'll jump down into the clearing. Chase him in circles until he's caught. |
The third Killer Bee, Jun-Roberto, is hiding behind the tombstone on the cliff that Tott dances at. Like Jin, he will retreat to the clearing, where you must catch him. |
The Killer Bees' leader, Ivan, may be the most difficult to find. He's on top of the tall tree where Maggie's father hangs out. To knock him down, just roll into the tree. He'll proceed to run around the cliff and the clearing. Catch him, and you're done! |
When all four kids are caught, the gang will give you a Piece of Heart This is your third one. One more, and you'll get another Heart Container. Ivan, in an unusual display of not being a brat, will ask you to apologize to Mrs. Marie for him. Head to the School of Joy, and pray that you're not blinded by her 'exotic' hair. |
Talk to Mrs. Marie. After you point and laugh at her general appearance, she'll hand over a Purple Rupee for your troubles. It may not seem like a worthy reward, but this is just the first step in a chain of events involving Mrs. Marie and the Killer Bees. |
When you head back outside, you'll be intercepted by the Killer Bees again. They end up arguing amongst themselves about whether or not giving a teacher a present makes you a pussy. I'll let you decide for yourself. In any case, they mention that Mrs. Marie likes Joy Pendants. You may have gotten one from a Bokoblin back at the Forsaken Fortress. In any case, head over to the tree next to the bomb shop and roll into it. A Joy Pendant will fall down, and the Killer Bees will ask you to take it to Mrs. Marie. |
Go back to the School of Joy and set the Joy Pendants to 'Y', 'Z', or 'X'. Then, 'L'-target Mrs. Marie and use them. She'll only take one of them, and hand over a Red Rupee for it. Her greedy ass also hints that she'd like to own twenty of them. Unfortunately, there's no way to get that many yet, so you'll have to come back later. |
Now head up the wooden stairs behind Linda in the plaza and then follow the catwalk through the ornate door. You'll end up on the second floor of the auction house. |
Pacing back and forth at the balcony's far end is the father of Mila, the girl in the fancy dress who was imprisoned with Aryll and Maggie. Like Maggie's father, Mila's father will ask you to save his daughter. After pondering why he doesn't go save her and realizing that his fat ass wouldn't fit out the door, agree to rescue Mila. He'll also inform you that an auction is run on the first floor of the building at night. |
Climb up onto the golden railing near Mila's father, then carefully walk off it, making sure Link grabs it by the edge. Then, shimmy over to the center of the stage below. Drop down. |
At the far side of the stage is a well-hidden treasure chest containing a Red Rupee Take it, because you can't climb back up onto the stage once you drop to the floor. |
By now, you've probably noticed the really shiny vases lined up on the walls. There are eight of them total. Completely entranced by the shininess, draw your sword and smash one of them. |
Mila's father won't like this very much, and point out that you're a complete moron for barging into someone else's home and smashing their vase. Yeah, that was pretty stupid of you. He'll warn you that you'll have to pay for the next broken one. If you smash any more, he'll charge you ten Rupees for each vase you broke. Go ahead and leave. |
If you go back to the second floor of the auction house and talk to Mila's father again, he'll offer to pay you to rescue Mila--this sounds good. Just think of all the one-night stands you'll get from the Windfall prostitutes. In any case, Mila's father will throw three Red Rupees down to the floor below, and they'll each land in one of the shiny vases. Here's the tricky part; if you smash the wrong vase, you'll be charged for it. In fact, you'll be charged for the correct vases too. However, you still have a potential thirty-Rupee profit. In the long run, it's probably not worth it. Leave. |
Close to the auction house is a small clearing on the side of the market. One of the hidden jars Potova and Joanna mentioned is hidden in the bush in the corner, and it probably contains a Blue Rupee. |
One final note: you may have figured this out on Outset Island, but if you attack one of the wild pigs too much, they'll all come at you in a swine rebellion. And to be honest, these things are the most powerful enemies in the game. So I'd advise not upsetting them. If you do end up doing so, either prepare to be killed, or dive into the water. Eventually, they'll calm back down. You should learn to fear the sight of a flashing red pig. |
And you're finished with Windfall Island, for now! Hop onto the King of Red Lions, hoist your Boat's Sail, and head in an easterly direction. Enjoy the music. :-) |