
Forest of
100% Map Completion

Aiolon Ruins
Bone SoldierLv.18WightLv.35
Undead LordLv.33Flame DemonLv.38
Zombie AssassinLv.34SlograLv.37
JinLv.36Great ArmorLv.35
Thunder DemonLv.38White DragonLv.38
Armored SprinterLv.33GaibonLv.34
Rapid SniperLv.31SpiritLv.32
Skeleton TrooperLv.35

Cordova Town
Exit the Warp Room, and go left.  You will recall there is an iron gate that you could not pass earlier.  Use the Magic Circle ability to slide under the gate, and open the chest to receive Damascus Steel.  Head dow the steps to the Aiolon Ruins.
Southern Ruins
The first two outdoor areas are filled with Bone Soldiers and Undead Lords.  These are grunt-level enemies for you now, and will serve mainly to build up your Devil I.D.

Once you enter the first room, several Necromancers and more Undead Lords will team up.  This is an easy fight, if you remove the spellcasters first.  When they are defeated, enter the hallway with the same match up.

Assassin Zombies join the Undead Lords to challenge you in the next several areas.  Mop up the Lords first, and then deal with the tunneling Assassins once the coast is clear.  Use a long combo attack on the Assassins to keep them from going underground.

Continue north until your path is barred and several Jin materialize.  The are wind-type spellcasters, and if you hve the Wind Ring equipped, they will be a lot less damaging.  As you would expect, they have several wind-type projectiles to battle you at a distance.  However, they are very tough up close, and will swing at you several times in succession.  Wait for their attack string to run its course and then combo them.

The Jin team up with Thunder Demons in the next room.  Focus your initial attack on the Jin to remove the ground threat, then summon a flying I.D. to help battle the aerial Demons.  The best time to attack them is when they are summoning a lightning storm or after they try to swoop in on you.  At both points, they will be momentarily defenseless.

Head west, and a new and beautiful canine will pounce on you.  These pretty white pups, Armored Sprinters, travel in packs.  They will coordinate their efforst to some extent by circling you and attacking from all directions.  They also have an ultrasonic bark that you will need to dodge.  And to make these next couple of encounters more difficult, they are assisted with air suport of the Thunder Demons.

The final room of this region has a Rapid Sniper.  This is an archer-type enemy with a machine gun-like weapon that can fire projectiles at a very fast rate.
Central Ruins
Enter the Save Room on the right, and be sure to save your game.  The next series of battles are very tough, and you might not survive.

The next area is an open space, and you will get to use the cannon once again.  Charge to the top of the stairs, and take over the large gun.  Shoot out the turrets on the upper sections of the wall, but don't discount the Vassago that are swarming around.  You've got to shoot these foes, or they will wear down and destroy your weapon.

If you can retain your gun, turn it on the barricade in front of the door.  Once this is gone, your real target is the Skeleton Troopers that will run wild in this area.  These mounted enemies are tough, and they have the annoying habit of running around at high speed, making it difficult to zone in on them.  They will dart at you very quickly, but they will continue to run in a circle around you.  If you are patient, you can attack them as they past by, or simply wait for them to get tired.  If you only manage to throw the rider off, you will still have to deal with their sprinting mount.  The real reason you want to keep this canon intact is that to the left of the barricade is a small breakable section of wall.  Shoot this with your big gun and you will find the Innocent Supporter.  This great find will lower the amount of hearts your I.D. uses when it performs a special move.  Be sure to grab the Aiolon Ruins Map before you leave this area.

The next several rooms contain more Skeleton Troopers and Undead Lords.  The latter is just fodder for your I.D., but the numerous Troopers can be a serious problem.  If you have ice attacks, exploit their weakness, otherwise dodge to the side, and let them circle around you while you catch your breath.

The last area will begin to slope upward, and it is filled with Wights and Flame Demons.  The Wights still have that nasty dual-spinning mace attack, but the Flame Demons are your chief concern.  Clear the skies as much as possible, and then deal with the ground dwellers.

Run through the U-shaped hallway, taking out the Flame Demons.  At the end of this corridor, you will face a large group of Fishmen.  These are the fire-breathing type, but with your Boiling Ring, these and Flame Demons don't pose a large threat.  Follow this path down to the bottom, and use the Save Room on the right.
Northern Ruins
A Slogra and several Wights await you in thte first room.  Dispatch them quickly, and continue straight through to the exit.  A group of Great Armors fills the next room.  Attack these foes from the back to avoid their shields.  If you use the door to the north, you can enter a Warp Room.  However, your target is the strange, vine-covered door to the east.  Use a fire attack from your Mage or Bird Type I.D. to burn through the living barricade.  A door will be revealed behind the trellis, and you can now enter the eastern section of this region.

The halls are filled with more Great Armors.  At the split in the road, take the right fork to enter a room with a Leather Chair and Frenzy of Wind.

Take the other path that leads to a room with several goodies.  In here you will find Damascus Steel, a chest with an HP Max Up, and a Hilarious Chair.

Return back to the first room of the Northern Ruins, and take the western exit this time.  The next corridor is loaded with White Dragons.  You can jump up to fight these foes, or simply run past them if you wish.  Half way through the hallway is a small button on the top of the wall.  If you have a Fairy with the Press It and See ability, it will automatically press the button, revealing a new area to the north.

These halls are filled with Spirits that are great for leveling your I.D.  Take the path to the right, and enter a room that will contain the Director's Chair and the Megingelos.  When this magical band is equipped, the lower you are on HP, the more damage you will do.

Head back out to the hallway, and take the first exit on the right.  The top part of this road will lead to a doorway on your right, with a room that contains the Comedian's Chair and Orichalcum.  The metal is very tough to get, so be sure to use it wisely when making items.

Go back out and head west to the last room.  What, no chair!  I guess you'll have to setle for an XS Potion.  This is a very powerful brew that will recover all of your hit points.  When you are done with this rewarding detour, continue back on your previous course, fighting Fishmen, and use the door on your right.  This corridor has a few Gaibons, but they are spaced out one at a time, so this should not be a tough fight.

At the end of the road is a chest with a Spirit of Fuji.  There is also a breakable wall just behind the chest.

Going through this doorway will take you to the outside area of the Abandoned Castle.

To finish this level, backtrack and head west to the Save Room on the right.  A tough Boss fight awaits you, so you may want to first warp back to Julia's Shop to purchase a few items.  Additionally, upon entering the next room, you'll find yourself teleported to a new location.  Be sure you are finished exploring the Ruins before entering the final room...
Abandoned Castle
When you enter the next room, a cinema will play that will trigger events that will teleport you back to the Abandoned Castle.  Climb up the dilapidated, red-carpeted staircase to the fourth floor.  Enter the boss room where you fought the very first boss, and use the staircase on the left to ascend to the fifth floor.
This time your fight with the famous Belmont is for real.  You must win this battle to proceed to the next level.  Trevor has a lot of the same moves as before, but many of them take on new aspects.  For example, he still has his glowing green whip attacks, but he also has a torpedo-type move where he will dive at you while spinning his whip.  Don't try to block this drilling maneuver; simply side step it instead.

You can still Perfect Guard his regular whip attacks, but the timing is a lot more deceiving this time around.  Note that a regular block is not enough to prevent you from taking damage.  Fortunately, his whip pattern is the same each time, so you can learn when to attempt to block and counter.  The other option is simply to Quick Step until he is done attacking and then retaliate.

His flaming charge move now has two parts.  In other words, he will perform two dashes in a row.  Quick Step out of the way, and then perform another one to the side so his move does not track you.  He will also be open to attack after performing this move.

His longest attack is his melee combo that ends with a series of kicks and one last daashing kick.  This can be tricky to block, so dodge the entire time and fight back when he is tired.

Be very careful when he summons his holy strength and has a yellow glow.  In this state, he's a lot more powerful.  Your best bet is to avoid him and attack only when you are sure to score a hit.

The key to this fight is to dodge and counter.  Dodge his attacks, and use the slight pause after his attacks to combo him.  The best I.D. choice would be any of the fliers, since he has such powerful ground attacks.  Trevor does a good amount of damage, but if you keep your head and don't take too many chances, you can show him the true power of a Devil Forgemaster.  When the battle is won, you will enter the Infinite Corridor.
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